Chapter 10~A couple of questions

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                                         Blinky POV

After talking to Hiccup he decided to get all of his friends to meet me. After everyone was introduced I was then swarmed with questions about myself.

"do you have any wings?"
"Are you part human ?"
"Are you some type of dragon?"
"Do you it lay eggs?"

"No,No,No ,and definitely no"
"Ok guys that's enough questions for now so Blinky you never told us why you came here in the first place.'' Hiccup stated.
"Well you see me and my acquaintances were trying out a new artifact that  I so happened to find but then it somehow transported us here and we then got separated now I'm asking for your help to find them"
"Depends how much you paying?"
"Well I....."
"What Snoutlout means to say is that we are happy to help you out" the one named Astrid said.
"I really appreciate it thank you"
"It's really no problem so do you know where they might be?" Hiccup asked.
"Hmm well I have no idea where Master Jim is and Argh was on the boat with me but he gone left behind"
"Really wonder how that happened" said Fishlegs while everyone turned to Snoutlout.
"What ?"
"That doesn't matter now we know he's probably been transported to one of the dragon hunter stations and we know the ship was heading somewhere Northwest so I'll Terror-mail Heather if she might know any locations."

"Ok so Blinky while we wait I could show you around the Edge" Astrid told me.
"I would love to" I replied.
"Ok let's go" she said as she got on her dragon and waited for me to get on.
"Come on what are you waiting for ?"
"Well I...."
"Oh Stormfly won't hurt you isn't that right Stromfly"
"No....well yes but it's not that it' want to go right now ?"
"Uh yah is there a problem ?"
"Well you probably don't know but I can't be out in the daylight"
"What ?!"

Hey guys sorry for the late update it's been a long week 😅
Also I have some bad news
No I'm not disconnecting the story I would never have the heart to do that but the story might not update so frequently because I just found out I need to do a book report for a class and I only have 2 weeks to do it 😑
But I'll update when ever I have free time
So hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll see you'll soon 😋

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