Will you go on a date with me?

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"Ok, Jin is my hair ok? Omg do I look silly?"

"You're wearing a blazer that makes you look like you're in school, I wouldn't worry to much about looking silly, just go ask her out Jimin, we all know you two like each other!" Said Jin abit annoyed at how long Jimin had waited to actually ask y/n out for a real date.
Jimin walked over to the crew section where y/n was hard at work editing some shots they'd just taken. He taped her on the shoulder making her jump. "AHH- Jimin! Oh gosh you nearly gave me a heart attack!" Said y/n, catching her breath.

"Hah sorry y/n, I just came over to, ask you if.. you.." Jimin stated now looking at the floor.

"Yes?" Said y/n.

"If you'd like to go on a date with me? A real one, not like last time with Jin and J-Hope! We'd be alone.." Said Jimin smiling and taking y/n's hand.

Suddenly more crew came over and you broke up the hand holding. "So next time Jimin can you please ensure you don't touch your hair so we can capture the right shots, thanks you can get back to your lunch now" Said y/n, giving Jimin a little wink and walking away.

Jimin tried to maintain a straight face as he walked away back over to Jin.

Jimin tried to maintain a straight face as he walked away back over to Jin

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