why can't you come with me

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"Y/n please, I need you with me. I need to wake up everyday facing you. Why can't you just agree to coming on tour with me?" Said a frustrated Jimin with teary eyes.

"Jimin, baby, please don't cry! I told you I'm finally getting to where I want to be with my work, I'm near the promotion I've been working on for years! I can sense my big break coming, I just need to work a bit harder for a bit longer! Baby I want to come with you, I want to wake up in your arms but I know if I do I'll risk this."

"But baby I told you, I can take care of you! I will support you finically so you don't have to work and can come with me" Jimin said with watery eyes.

"Baby you know that's not what I want, I want to be able to provide for myself, you shouldn't have to look after me! I have worked so hard for this, I'm almost there! Nothing can get in my way of this I'm sorry," you said with tears running down your cheek you lay your hand on Jimin's arm. " I hope you can understand, I don't love you any less, I know how badly you want me to come with you but this is too important," you sighed.

Jimin rolled his eyes and looked away.

"Am I not important then?" He said coldly and looked down

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"Am I not important then?" He said coldly and looked down.

"How could you say that? Jimin- "

"Y/n, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I want to spend everyday for the rest of my life WITH YOU WHY DONT YOU UNDERSTAND THAT" Jimin broke into tears and your heart broke. You hadn't realised how much you saying no had affected him. It's gotten too far now, this has to stop you thought.

You hugged a crying jimin. You kissed the top of his head. "Baby, stop crying, please. I'm sorry I've upset you. You know why I'm like this. I just fear that this will all end. You and me. I'm scared Jimin. I don't get a happy ending. You loving someone like me forever? It's hard to believe that we have even lasted this long. Jimin I'm so scared I'm going to loose you. Baby I just want to make sure my life is stable because I'm afraid we won't be. People say we aren't meant to be. The whole world is against us Jimin. I'm scared-" You got cut off by Jimin kissing your lips. He connect your foreheads and you both breathed. He waited for you both to calm down.

"Baby it's you and me against the world and I wouldn't have it any other way. People can say what the want but I won't change what I feel in here" he points to his heart and takes your hand. He places it on his chest. "you feel that? It beats for you y/n, and only you. It will only ever beat for you. I've fallen in love with the craziest, most prettiest person in the world. I wouldn't change you for the world. You make me feel complete. I couldn't live without you. I felt so lonely on the last tour, I fear I'll mess up without you by my side on this one, but I understand if you can't come. I know how hard you've worked" Jimin expressed wiping his tears and avoiding eye contact waiting for you to reply to him.

"Baby, I love you so much

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"Baby, I love you so much. I can't imagine my life without you. I know I go on about work and this promotion but you know what I just realised? I don't need a promotion, what's the point of it if I can't be happy? I won't be happy as this promotion will mean more work and less time to spend with you, the love of my life. Baby, I'm going to come with you okay, I'm going to enjoy the time we have together and keep you safe. Please don't cry anymore baby" You pleaded and embraced Jimin holding him tight.

"I love you Y/n" said Jimin through sniffles as he tried to calm his tears.

"I love you too Jimin" you whispered kissing his forehead while you both lay on your bed. The night ended in you and Jimin talking about your future, deciding to go on holiday and also deciding that you'd work as a freelance graphic designer rather than an in office one. You'd be able to travel with Jimin and work.

The both of you drifted to sleep glad to knowing you'd be spending many nights in each other's.

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