For her

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"Look at him Hyung, he's a mess! What are we going to do?" Jungkook asked Namjoon. They boys were rehearsing and Jimin was a mess. He had broken up with Y/n a day before they'd left for tour. Today was the first day of tour and Jimin wasn't doing well. He would tear up when singing serendipity or any song that allowed him time to think about her.

Jungkook ran over to Jimin and do a silly dance to try and cheer Jimin up. He just looked at him expressionless and sighed.

He always looked as if he had something on his mind, which he did

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He always looked as if he had something on his mind, which he did. He didn't want to break up with you but he couldn't give you the time together you needed and he saw you struggle. Jimin knew he couldn't watch you suffer anymore and so had to end the relationship. It pained him that he did it but he knew it was to protect you.

He tries to remind himself that you will be better off but it's difficult to accept that when his love for you is still so strong.

At night he sits awake, hoping that his love for you will lessen. That his love for you will fade. "You did it for her" he would constantly say to himself. It repeated in his brain until he no longer believed what he heard. He heard something else instead of that. "You love her" that looped around in his mind for weeks and weeks. Everything he did reminded him of her, when he breathed he thought of her breath on his neck, when he ate he wondered if she was eating. At night he wondered if she slept or stayed awake wondering if he was asleep like he did about her. He wondered until he lost the will to wonder. He couldn't focus anymore. He was a mess.

He decided on what he was going to do

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