For her pt.2

388 6 2

To: Y/n Sent: 23:30
Can we talk?

Jimin sat up in bed while he stared at his phone. His room was completely dark apart from the small light being emitted from his phone when he received a notification. He brought his legs up to his chest and readjusted the bedding so the phone was still directly in his sight.


It had been an hour since Jimin sent the message to you and he was beginning to wonder if your night owl behaviour had changed since he last saw you. He thought how you refused to sleep before midnight and how he would have to force you to sleep when you had places to be in the morning. Suddenly his mind began to race over why he broke up with Y/n, the death threats, the hate. It wasn't Army who treated Y/n badly but haters and the media. They thought they knew what was best for him. He let them get between them and for the safety and happiness of Y/n he broke up with her. He didn't want Y/n to suffer anymore. "You did it for her remember?" His mind thought. But is she happy now? Is she better off than she was with me? Maybe it wasn't the right choice, maybe she couldn't move on. All these thoughts filled Jimin's mind.

He picked up his phone and played some relaxing music because he refused to start thinking negatively again, he had made his mind up and wanted to talk to Y/n, if he kept going over it in his head he would end up deleting the message.


He lay in his bed, phone now clutched to his chest. He hopped you would reply. Things ended messily with you guys. The media got between you two. He sighed and tried to concentrate on the music. A tear rolled down his face as he reminisced how Y/n would gently graze her thumb over the side of his face to help him sleep. Being the night owl she was she never fell asleep before him. He sadly smiled and shut his eyes, trying to switch off his mind so he could get some sort of rest.



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