late night facetime call

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"Baby you look so cute! Show me your full face" you asked as you drank in the sight of your beautiful boyfriend over a FaceTime call.

"Okay, okay," Said Jimin now sitting up to reveal his full face to you on camera.

"Okay, okay," Said Jimin now sitting up to reveal his full face to you on camera

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He giggled as he watched you drool over him.
"Hey babe, when you come next week make sure to pack lots of winter clothes as it's set to be cold in Paris and I can't have you catching a cold.. also I'm not sure where you want to eat but I was thinking maybe the public pool?" Said Jimin purposely to see if y/n was indeed listening to him or just admiring him.

"hmm Yh sounds great baby, can't wait" You said staring at your beautiful boyfriend.

"am I that good looking?" Jimin laughed and caused you to snap out of your trance.

"Yes you are baby, sorry it's just you're so handsome! Sometimes it's hard to concentrate" you said and pouted. Jimin pouted back and said " Don't worry baby, just one week left and I'll be all yours" he said in a cheeky way leading to the both of you giggling way to hard for way too long but once one laughed, the other was set off! Once you'd stopped giggling Jimin saw you were getting tired and told you to lie down. He did the same and began to softly sing Serendipity. His voice was perfect despite him having just had a concert hours ago. He knew y/b loved to be sang to sleep and while watching her fall asleep all he could think about was how he would be doing this every night in person with her. Stroking her soft skin and her pokey hair against his chest was what he was most looking forward to.

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