I've missed my friends

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"I told you I was going to this party tonight! I've not seen my friends in months Jimin, we've all been so busy with work!" You explained trying to hold back your anger with an unreasonable Jimin.

"Baby I've only got three days off, I want to spend every minute of it with you! Please please stay with me!" Pleaded Jimin as you began to collect your things together to leave.
"Babe, y/n! Why don't you want to spend time with me? I love you so much, it's so rare that we'd get time to spend with eachother like this! Please understand from where I'm coming from!" Jimin exclaimed now standing up.

"Jimin I really don't want to fight right now, you must understand how much I've missed my friends, I grew up with them and since moving to Seoul I've barely seen them. I'm not saying they mean more to me than you, you hold a special place in my heart baby and you know that, but this is really important to me.." You began to tear up. Jimin, still upset but not wanting to see you cry, softened his face. He was still upset about you wanting to leave him but he didn't want to make you cry, he didn't realise how much it meant to you.

"Baby? Baby don't cry, I'm sorry, I love you" he said still standing in the same place, watching you now sit on the sofa opposite him. You look up to him through watery eyes.

He moves his hair away from his face and sends you a heart. He knows how much you love them. You smile as tears still falling down your cheek.

He walks over and sits down beside you

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He walks over and sits down beside you. He sits back and pats his chest, indicating for you to lay on him. You did so and you continued to cry through harsh breathing.

"Baby? Y/n? You need to breathe properly baby or you won't be able to stop crying." You continued to cry uncontrollably. You felt your chest rise and fall uncontrollably as Jimin rubbed your back and kissed your head.

"I,I- I'm sorry Jimin" You just about said through the tears. It was clear to him now how important it was for you to see your friends.

"Shushhh, it's okay baby, let's focus on calming you down first." He hushed and he continued to run your back. You stopped crying but your breathing was still quite heavy. You looked up at Jimin and kissed his cheek.

"I'm so sorry baby, I just really wanted to see my friends. I miss them so much. But if I'm going to be upsetting you I won't go. I don't want you to be upset okay" you said wiping your wet face with your sleeve.

"Baby, I want you to go" said Jimin. You looked at him shockingly. " I didn't realise how much they meant to you, and I'm being foolish trying to keep you to myself. We've both been working hard and haven't had much time to see the ones we love. I'd rather you have fun with your friends then stay here with me now when you've just explained to me how much you miss them. I would be extremely sad if the boys stopped me seeing you! I love you Y/n and I just want you to be happy, so please, go and have fun" Jimin said and he smiled lightly. "I'm sorry for failing to see how happy you were about going out tonight, I only ever want you to be happy baby," he said and placed a soft kiss on your lips.

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