Chapter 2

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"What the fuck just happened?" I say aloud to myself. Slowly, I stand up. Once I had a good grip on my balance, I look for a bathroom. Luckily there was one just further into the room.

"This can't be real right? Right?!" I turn on the light and look at my trembling hands, then at the red jacket covering my body. "I'm wearing an Engineer cosmetic. Medic just gave me a check up, Spy just cut me in the fucking-" I suddenly feel sick. I close the door and run to the toilet.

Just thinking about this situation I'm in has me grabbing the seat of the toilet and dry heaving. I try to silence myself and think about my situation logically. "Okay... okay. All I have to do is get out of here. But how do I leave if my car is totaled? And why did Team Fortress 2 characters recover me from a car crash?" I'm wondering why that wasn't my first question.

I realize I sound like a total maniac, and I'm probably delusional as fuck right now, but if I'm not crazy and those are the real mercenaries, then they probably want something from me. Why would mercenaries bring home and recover a stranger in a car wreck unless they wanted something. And, based on the history I know about these mercs, they must want information for how I know about them.

They aren't hiding everything from me. I mean, It's obvious this is the Red base. There is red everywhere in this bathroom, the Engi's jacket is red, so was everyone else's clothes. Someone must have gone through my stuff at least and found something they think is important. They even took my clothes. Why did they take my clothes?!

I remember I'm sitting on the floor of the bathroom and stand up again. My body feels sore because this is probably been the most active I've been since two weeks ago. Speaking of what happened two weeks ago, When I do get home, I need to go to my unit and tell them what has happened.

I'm probably considered AWOL at this point. No one is going to believe me if I get out of here. I wouldn't believe me either. I walk over to the sink and mirror to take a look at myself. my hair is a complete mess, of course. Hopefully they find my hairbrush so I can tame this two week old monster doo. The jacket is obviously way too big for me, so I look like a little girl wearing their dad's work clothes.

My face looks paler than my usual skin color and my eyes are red and covered in eye boogers. "I really have been in a coma haven't I?" Reality made me feel sick again, but instead of throwing up, I tried actually using the bathroom. I eventually use it and go back to the sink to wash my hands and then my face.

"Even if I did get my car fixed, how do I get home if they dont know how to get me back?" I run my hands through my hair in disbelief. I think I'm going to save that question for later when I'm better able to grasp my situation. If I overthink it now, I'll probably vomit.

I take one last look at my face before going back to the bed I was asleep in before (There were a few more of beds in the room. I woke up at the on closest to the door to a possible hallway.) and sat down facing away from the door.

I noticed there were some books on the end table and the fancy red chair by my bed. I remember that this was the chair Medic was sitting in before. I wonder if he read to me while I was out of it. I heard that some people read to patients in comatose as a way to respect them in that state as well as a certain form of a process of recovery.

Of all the people to I would expect to be by me in a coma, Medic was definitely not one of those people. I look at the books he had by the bed. They were all in German. "Yeah... I expected that."

I wonder if any of the other mercenaries know I'm here. So far, I've only met five. two of those interactions were screams, and one already tried to kill me. At least Medic and Sniper were pretty nice.

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