Chapter 5

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"Why aren't I surprised that you're drunk this early in the day?"

"AaAhHmatha fuuU-" I see Demo and Engi mumbling to each other as Medic and I walk into the kitchen. I shyly wave at the both of them.

"Uh, good morning everyone."

"Actually it's past noon." Engi says, waving at both of us. "But good morning to you as well, darling. Did you want something to eat?" Before I can answer, he's already pulled out some Red-branded cereal and a gallon of milk. "Don't worry if you're lactose intolerant. I made this milk out of wheat. Great for hangovers." He makes me a bowl and sets it beside Demoman.

"Thank you." I awkwardly mumble, then look at Medic. He motions his hand for me to sit down, so I do as he says. "I don't even remember what I ate last time I was awake." I look at the very large bowl of cereal and take a bite. My mouth immediately starts watering. I look around and see Engi and Medic smiling kindly at me. I smile shyly and look at Demoman. He fell asleep when I sat down I think. I turn to my food and keep eating while Engi and Medic have a conversation.
"How has your work gone? Anything new?"

"No. She is in perfect health, surprisingly."

"That's good to hear. Glad for once something turns out alright 'round here. Scout has been on my ass about her too."

I look up at Engi with a mouth full of cereal. "Mmm?" Engi chuckles a bit, then sits down with a mug of coffee.

"Ah, That's right. You haven't met everybody." I finish my cereal and nod at him. Telling the guys now where I know them from would make things complicated, so I don't want to bother with it. "Scout was with Sniper when he found you." He takes a sip of coffee. "You'll have to ask Sniper about the details, but when you were brought here, I think he was the most worried out of all of us. I don't think I've ever seen him so worked up over anyone he didn't know."

"I think everyone was a little startled when Sniper brought her." Medic chimes in. "You are the first outsider to have ever stepped foot in this very private facility in decades. A possible threat to Mann Co itself that you have shown up here formally uninvited."

"Oh..."He has such a cheery tone when saying all of this uncomfortable news about me. I sink in my seat and grip the table. Engineer sees me, then smacks Medic in the tummy. Medic looks at me and him in confusion.

"Why don't you and I find Sniper and ask him more about how you got here. I'm sure you'd like to know his perspective." He finishes his coffee, then takes my empty bowl and puts all of the dirty dishes in the sink behind him. I stand up and look at the floor.

"Alright. I will be in my usual work area." Medic says, then quickly gallops away. I watch him turn the corner, then stare at the now empty hallway.

"If I'm not supposed to be here, then why would you guys bring me in?" I say aloud. Engi pats and rubs my back.

"Now don't you worry about all of that, darling. Once we figure out the where, why and how, you'll be back home in no time." He and I start walking to a door that leads outside. "Let's go and find out the how first, though."

"Um... do you think I could get some pants first?" I ask suddenly. He suddenly looks down at my legs and back up at me, then let's me go.

"Oh! I didn't realize. Haha, yea let's do that first."


In my new found pants that are way too big for me, Engi and I walk around the building in the blazing heat until we reach a parking lot of sorts. There is a bread truck parked inside of the garage area. Over where the mountain starts to become a valley, a campervan is sitting peacefully. Sniper is sitting on top of it, sharpening a Kukre. "Aayy, Snipe," Engi hollers. Sniper stops sharpening and glares this way. His expression softens up when he sees me. "Y'all wanna come down here and help us out?"

Sniper nods his head and puts his tools down, then hops off of the roof of the van. Engi pats my back, and we walk up to Sniper and his camper.

"How'd the Doc treat ya?" He shoves his hands in his pockets. "He didn't touch you weird, did he?"

"No,no, he's been very nice to me, actually." That question throws me off guard, and I sort of get a nervous chuckle out of it.

"We're here to ask you about the day she was found. She got curious and I figured you know more 'bout it than I do since you were there." Engi puts his thumbs under his belt.

Sniper lifts his hat above his head and runs his hand over his hair. "Ah, yea. I bet you're curious. Let's have a chat then." He turns around and starts walking toward the entrance to the campervan, but turns back around and points at Engi. "Actually, you can leave."

"Aw what? Why?" He gets defensive.

"I don't trust Spy enough to let just anybody in my van. You have a chance of bein him, therefore you're booted, yeah?"

Engi sighs and turns around. "Fine, just don't make any harsh decisions without me or the others, alright?"

Sniper has us wait until Engineer has gone completely inside of the garage before he tells me to get in the camper van. Once inside, I take in the cozy little home he's made himself.

"It's a lot bigger than I thought it would be in here. And very clean too."

"You should feel lucky. I don't ever let anyone in here besides myself." He shows me a small dining table to sit at and he sits on the couch and lights a cigarette. "Now before I tell you my side of the story, you have to tell me few things about yourself first..."
His whole aura is a bit intimidating in general, and I start to figit with my coat. "Ok.." I say quietly.

He takes a drag of the cigarette and blows the smoke towards an open window. "First off, where's you come from, and where were you goin', if you remember that."

"Where I'm from? Like, my hometown?"

"Where were you before you started driving, is more like?"

"Oh, um..." It might be a little embarassing to say, but I want to be as truthful as possible. "Well, I was staying the night at a hotel, or motel's more like. But it was the kind of hotel that usually have people go to, um, do it, in."

Sniper raised an eyebrow and chuckled. " 'Do it' huh? Why were you at that kind of place? Were you meeting up with someone?"

My face burned a little "No, no, absolutely not. I just wanted a little freedom after getting out of basic training and stuff. New Mexico is where I'm going to be staying for the next few months, so I kind of wanted to get used to living there before I go to my assigned Military Base."

Sniper sits up and puts out his cigarette butt. "So you really are in the military? I would've thought you'd be going someplace more war like, like Russia or Vietnam, to make sure they don't do... whatever America doesn't want them too, or something."

"Russia? Why would I..." Oh yea Tf2 takes place in the sixties and seventies. "That's not my MOS. I'm a 25M, which means I illustrate advertisements for the Army, or at least I'm pretty sure that's what I'll be doing."

"Heh, well that sounds a bit less dangerous." He smiles at me, which makes me a little less uncomfortable. "So where were you going when you crashed your car?"

He sure is blunt, I think to myself. "Actually, I think I was heading to where my friend was staying. She and I met in basic and have the same MOS. I don't remember why I was heading there though..." I try to think harder, but my head starts to hurt.

"Can you recall what you did before you crashed?"

"Y-yea? I was playing Team Fortress 2 on my computer, then I got a call from her on my cell phone... she told me someone got hurt and... left the hotel not long after." I look at Sniper for the conformation I didn't know I wanted so badly, then went on. "It was storming, and I could barely see anything in front of my car. It's a blur but, a huge lightning bolt struck right in front of me. And I must have freaked out and ended up crashing through the trees by the highway." I put my hand on my head and sighed. "God, I feel like an idiot now, trying to dodge a lightning bolt." Sniper nods and hums.

"That's strange." He says.

"Is something wrong?" I ask.

"You didn't crash by a highway." He pulls out another cigarette and stares at me. "And there ain't a forest around here for miles."

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