30: You are the reason

175 16 14

Songs for this chapter:-

(Get you the moon)

Keerti's pov

Meeting everyone we came out of his house when I remembered of  I missed..

"Sir actually I need a holiday for tomorrow.." I asked him in a professional tone..

"Why.." He asked looking at me..

"Sir tomorrow May 30 is my birthday so we all are going out" I almost cheered.

"Wohh.. Tomorrow is Ur bday.." He asked in confusion..

"Even u can join.." I came to the point..

"Ohh really then I think I should throw a party.." He said smilingly

"But u why.."

"Ohh come on no such big deal and u know what I have a very pretty farmhouse in Jodhpur so let's leave tomorrow morning and we can come back till night and it's really awesome u will love it.." He said stepping ahead..

"Okk thn done. Pick me up tomorrow we shall leave before 8:30" 8 said hugging him and sitting in my cab..

He waved at me and then left his place.

Naksh's pov

So tomorrow finally the day will come. The day where I hope she will always and forever be mine. The day I will feel her through heart. I was hell excited for tomorrow cause I never knew a day like this will ever come in my life but fortunately I am here standing at the balcony of my room imagining her everywhere.

I went to bed and tried to sleep and to my surprise sleep engulfed me.

Cold breeze hit my face as I was standing under her house leaning on my car waiting for her.

And there she came. My dream girl. My love. She was wearing a cute cut crop top and rugged jeans looking like my to be wife.

She saw me and came to me. The bright smile always plastered on her face.

"Happy Birthday Ms Hottie" I said and her eyes opened wide for a second and she smiled the other.

"Thank you Mr Cuttie" She said and my heart started to beat fast. I just wanted to embrace her in me and I did so as well. She was in my arms and I was all blessed.

"Ahh I think we should leave" She said trying to distance herself amd I smiled at her attics. I nodded my head and we started the most beautiful journey of my life.

Whole time she was passing jokes, attending calls for birthday wishes and the comfort level she had with me I just love her so much. She is so pure not a fucking percentage fake.

After around an hour we reached the Jodhpur farmhouse. This one I loved the most. Specially the back side at 6:00 PM. Everything turns pink. From pool to the architecture of the farm.

We parked the car and came out only to see our group waiting.

"How long you guyss took" Her friend Riya said and she replied..

"The time you guyss took for proposing" She replied and I could see Keshav blushing. 

"Ok now should we move in" I said and all nodded. We entered inside the farmhouse. Now I only have to wait for 3 hrs then I am going to propose her.

TRUE LOVE NEVER FADESजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें