33: I'll always love her

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Song for the chapter:-

Keerti's POV

I was speechless after reading the article. I didn't knew how to reply my dad. What so ever written in the article shocked me to the hell. 

"You know him completely right? Then you should also know this? Actually you should definitely know this. This is the main part of his life" My mom asked and my head bowed down and I nodded no.

"And then here you are arguing with the person who always want good for you and wants you happy. And you have started arguing as well. Being just like him" She said and I had nothing to say to them.

"Keerti you are going with us back to Mumbai. Do whatever you want there but I am not leaving you here any longer" He announced and I looked at him.

"That's my final decision. No arguments" He said and walked out of the room.

"Keerti go pack your stuff we will be leaving in an hour" My mom said and she too left the room.

Tears were escaping my eyes. Why is this happening to me? Naksh is perfect for me and I love him with all my heart but I can't fight my parents. I wanna have all of them in my life. My phone ranged and the screen flashed Naksh's name. I picked up I literally didn't knew what and how to tell him about my departure and that I want to live with him here.

"Hello" He said but I remained silent. "Hello Keerti Hello" He was asking again and again and gasp left my mouth.

"Keerti" He said loudly and I could sense concern in his voice.

"Y-Ye-Yess"I stammered and sobbed.

"What happened Keerti?" He asked and I wanted to ask about the accident but I couldn't.

"Naksh I am leaving" I said sobbed.

"What? What does this means" He asked and I gained confidence to tell him the truth.

"Naksh I am go-going. I am leaving Udaipur forever. My parents are tak-taking me with them. I can't do anything. I told them about you and they are ag-against us. I tried but they are not lis-listening to me. I don't wanna leave bu-but.. I am sorry. I am so sorry Naksh" I said but he remained silent.

"You can't go Keerti. You can't." He said and my heart broke into million pieces. I started crying which I was holding untill now.

"Naksh I love you but I have to leave in an hour" I said and hung up the call. I can't hear him plead and cry for me. I have to go and he has to be strong.

Naksh's pov

I heard her and I was devastated. I was at the steps of my home when I broke. Why in the world everyone has to leave me.

"Naksh" My father shouted and came to me seeing me in that terrible situation.

All of them gathered and took me inside. I don't know what to say, what to do. She is going. I can't let her.

"What happened Naksh" My dadi asked and I told them everything.

About us being together and she leaving me. Words were short to describe my position I was sitting there numb.

"Then what are you doing here." Amish said and I nodded no.

"I can't. Her father is not ready and she didn't want to break his heart" I said and my dad patted my shoulder.

"Naksh if he loves his daughter, he will definitely agree. Now you have to be brave and go. Go bring my daughter in law" He said and a confidence rush in my blood. I wipped my tears and stood up. Taking deep breath I looked at my watch.

I saw the time. They must be on their way to airport. I have to go and stop them specially her.

My house is near the airport so catching her will not be a problem. I took blessings and started this small but big journey.

After 10 min being on the road I found there car just ahead of me. I speedend up and overtook there car and parked my car just in front of theirs to stop them.

The car halted and I saw Keerti near the window seat in tears. The moment she saw me, she came out of the car and hugged me tightly.

"Naksh" She whispered and I caressed her hairs. "Shh don't cry. I am here" I whispered back to her while her dad and mom came out.

"Keerti come back here" His dad almost shouted at her and her hold got tightened.

"Mr Goenka" I said but he cutted me off.

"I don't wanna talk to you. Just leave." He said and I smiled.

"I know you don't like me. Actually very less people in this world like me. But only one loved me. Your daughter.
I love her the most, more than she do I can guarantee you that. Please just listen to us first" I said and he scoffed.

"I don't want to listen anyone of you. We are getting late and my daughter deserves much better" He said coming to me dragging Keerti with him. I stopped him by holding Keerti's other hand.

"You can't take her away from me Mr Goenka. I love her and she will stay here with me. I promise you that I will always love her and keep her safe and sound but you can't" I said and pulled her towards me.

While all this I could see shock, guilt, love and sorry in ger eyes. She was just standing quit by her mouth but not by her eyes. Her eyes were saying it all.

"Oh really. Do you I will let my daughter leave just like this with a man like you. Arrogant and self centred, never" He announced and looked straight into my eyes.

"I know I am not the best but I will try to be best for her" I said and Keerti smiled looking at me.

"Exactly try for the rest of your life amd still you are not going to change. A humans nature do not change. A minor change can be there but you will remain the same rude person" He said and Keerti answered him back.

"Don't worry dad I know how to handle him. He is not that bad and i love him" She pleaded to her father.

"Yes Keerti this is what I am saying, I don't want you to handle him. A life doesn't go like this. Love is not just enough." He said and we both were completely shocked.

"Maybe but you will not take her with you. You can't. I will never let her go. And she is going with me now. You want to talk meet us at our home" I said and took Keerti with me towards the car. She was turning back again and again amd wanted her dad to say yes but that didn't happen.

"Dad please. Please" She said sitting in the passenger seat. Her eyes were red and sore.

We reached our home and everyone came rushing towards her. She sat on the sofa while Amyra gabe ger water.

She took a sip and broke down. Her sobs filled the house and no one was ready to see her like this.

"Talk Mr Singhania" We heard the voice and turned towards the gate.

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TRUE LOVE NEVER FADESजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें