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"Yeah. I'm just waiting to hear back from the agency." I told Susie, slowly coming in to her room.

It wasn't spotless, but it also wasn't dirty. Just a bit messy. Baby items covered everything. Nappies, clothes, packets of wipes, blankets, it was everywhere.

"Oh, I'm sad now. So I only have a week and a bit left with you."

I gave Susie another smile. "Sorry, but I think so."

Susie patted the bed next to her, inviting me to sit down. I did with open arms, taking Lillian to my chest, repeating what Susie was doing.

"I'll be back before I fly back to New York." I told her softly, lightly patting Lillian's back. "There, I have to return to."

I went to lift Lillian away when she suddenly spat up on me and I gasped.

Susie giggled, taking the infant and handing me a hand towel to wipe it off.

There was a light tap at the door and I ignored it, trying to get all the white gunk off me

"Hey, Susie. I'm heading home for a few days. I'll be back in a week and a bit."

"Not you too!" Susie sniffed. "Do you have to go, Con?"

That's when I stood up and turned to Conrad. I didn't speak to him, all I did was excuse myself, leaving Susie in her room and waiting for Conrad to step out of the door way.

"Uh, Maya," Conrad called, making me pause, holding my breathe. "You have..." He pointed to his own chest, near his joint of where his shoulder joins his neck. I frowned, trying to figure out what he was telling me. "Spit up." He finally said and I was completely confused and lost. "You have baby vomit right there." He then pointed on me where the liquid was without touching it.

I looked at it the best I could, finally smelling the offensive thing. Groaning, I left the room, sinking my head into my hand, shaking it. Now I needed a shower.

"So, I'm leaving the country tomorrow, so I'll probs see you in a week and a bit, Susie Q." I overheard Conrad say to Susie. I felt relieved to be honest that he was going. Couldn't have been happy.

Heading to my room, I changed my shirt and cleaned the baby vomit off me. I'm not risking on showering just yet. Even if I'm in my own family home.

I just wanted Conrad to hurry up and leave so I could spend some time with my family before I have to leave for New York again.

I left my room, closing my door and turned to see Conrad just about to head out of Harry and Susie's room.

Quickly turning to the kitchen, thankfully the opposite direction to Conrad, I kept my head down, trying to be quiet and unnoticeable.

But it didn't work. Conrad was behind me, matching my steps and pace.

"Hey, Maya, wanna do dinner tonight?" Conrad asked me in such a blunt manner, I wasn't expecting him to ask me that. I paused and frowned, cranking my head to him.


I think his face showed his disappointment but I wouldn't let it get to me. Then I saw a head pop out off her room, spying on Conrad and me. She gave me a bright smile and nodded, eyebrows high.

"No." I repeated again, louder. I don't know who frowned deeper, Susie, Conrad or myself.

Conrad recovered, shrugging his shoulders and walked away, thankfully out off the house and Susie rushed up to me.

"What are you doing?" She hissed at me.

"Uh, Susie, your brother is engaged to a woman." I drawled out slowly for her.

"Uh, Maya, I don't care for the other woman." Susie retorted and it was only then I noticed that her arms were empty.

"Where's the baby?"


I went to head to the room when Susie stopped me. "Uh, no, May. Let Lilly sleep."

I pouted at Susie. All I'm trying to do is change the subject, but knowing Susie, she won't let it go.

"Besides, I already told you. I prefer you or any other woman than that thing to be with my brother. He may be my brother through marriage of our parents, but he is still my brother. I want what's best for him."

"Isn't that sweet? You looking out for your big brother." I teased menacingly.

Susie shrugged, but I knew she was getting defensive. Like she said, Conrad may be her step brother, but she still cares for him.

"Please, do dinner. Do dinner with him."

I stared at my friend and sister in law with wide eyes, startled by what she said.

"Susie! Are you condoning to your brother on having an affair? And with me? Cone on girl, you know my standards are higher than that."

Susie threw me a wicked grin then. "I'm not saying sleep with him.... again. Just show him what more other women can offer. But if you wanna sleep with Con again, be my guest, just don't tell me because I'll most likely flaunt it." Susie laughed for a couple seconds but I didn't find the hidden joke she was having. "I'm not forcing you to sleep with him. Gawd, May."

Susie's tone was in a weird octave as she walked away. It left me frowning even deeper, trying to figure out what was between those lines.

Well, actually, I already knew, I'm in denial. I'm not doing dinner with Conrad Williams and I will never be having sex with him again.

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