1. School

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Atheria's POV:

"Ugh, it's the first day of school... Who the hell wants to go to school?" I whined as I started packing my school bag in the morning.

I especially wasn't looking forward to the first day of school.

I just recently moved here and I had to be enrolled in a new school.

So that means I'm new to the school and I don't know anyone...

I'm pretty much a lonely bean.

I sighed as I shoved my textbooks into my bag.

After I finished packing my bag, I went to the kitchen to make myself a simple breakfast.

It was a yoghurt parfait with a few blueberries on top.

"Mmh.." I moaned in satisfaction after the first bite and I quickly gobbled down the rest of my food.

I then headed back to my bedroom to pick out my outfit for the day.

I decided on a simple white tee with a pair of denim jeans.

(A/N it's the cover photo:D)

I also made an effort to curl my long hair into smooth and curly beach waves, then applied minimal make-up to complete my look.

I looked at myself in the mirror and I was pretty satisfied with my outfit if I do say so myself.

I tried to think more positively instead of sulking.

Maybe I can make new friends and have fun in High School!

With that thought, I took my bag and car key.

I got to my car and drove off.

I was soon on my way to...

The one and only.

Moondale High School.


After about thirty minutes of singing along to a bunch of hits like Taylor Swift and Panic! At the Disco, I finally arrived at Moondale High School.

Not gonna lie.

This school was breathtaking.

The school was spacious and the unique architecture gave me a contemporary feel.

I walked into the school hall and there were many groups of students talking amongst themselves.

Some averted their gaze to me and noticed they had a new student in school.

I shrugged off the stares and walked to my first class of the day.

Guess what?

It's Chemistry.

Fuck, I hate Chemistry.

The reason is simple really.

I just suck at Chemistry.

I walked into class and was met with a sea of foreign faces.

"Oh, you must be Atheria? You're new here right? I'm Miss Michelle."

My Chemistry teacher, I assumed, asked me with a friendly smile.

"Yes correct."

I replied back with a gentle nod.

"Okay, class today we have a new student joining us at Moondale High School. Why don't you introduce yourself."

I nodded and mustered up a small smile.

"Hi, I'm Atheria. I just moved here so I'm pretty new to this place. I hope to learn from everyone and have a good year with all of you.

"Thank you Atheria, please take a seat over there."

Miss Michelle gestured to the empty seat next to a boy that had his head down.

I thanked her silently and moved to my seat.

I sat down on my seat and looked at the sleeping boy next to me.

"Atheria, could you kindly wake him up for me, he's always sleeping in class." Miss Michelle requested with a sigh.

The class looked in my direction and laughed.

I guess they're all used to him sleeping huh.

I shook him gently to wake him up.

He groaned and slowly sat up while rubbing his eyes.

That's when I noticed his facial features.

He had defined cheekbones and was incredibly handsome.

Even though his hair was in a mess from having his head on the table, he was by far one of the best looking guys I've ever seen.

He looked back at me with a confused expression and asked, "Eh, who are you? I don't think I've seen you before."

His question caught me off guard and I quickly shook my head and greeted him with a smile.

"Hello, sorry to wake you up but Miss Michelle asked me to do so. And also, I'm Atheria. I'm new here. What's your name?"

He smiled lazily and replied, "I'm Hayden. Nice to meet you."

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