16. Darkness

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Hayden's POV:

After I had sent Atheria back to her house, I was on my way home.

I thought about the fair today and I couldn't help but smile.

Atheria looked beautiful tonight as always, and I thought of the kiss we shared.

I was glad that she liked me back.

I was worried that my sudden action was going to scare her away.

Kissing her just felt so...right.

Her full lips were soft, and the tinted blush on her cheeks made her undeniably attractive.

I thought about the way she looked at the full moon when she was in the car with me.

She seemed so engrossed that it was as if her soul had left her body.

She really loves the moon, huh?


I was almost home when I felt a wave of unease roll off me.

Something didn't feel right.

My gut feelings were confirmed when I heard the sound of glass breaking in my house as I pulled up onto the parking spot.

Was Dad drinking?

Didn't he stop?

Recently, my father had changed for the better.

The day I came back home after visiting my mother's grave, my father looked at me solemnly.

He apologised for blaming me on my mother's death and inflicting pain on me when he was drunk.

The look in my father's eyes was clear again and I was happy to have him back.

We had been catching up with one another and he was back to the loving father I knew before my mother's death.

At first, I did find it surprising that he had changed all of a sudden since he had been a grumpy drunk man for years.

It was as if he had finally reclaimed control of his own life.

He had decided to stop drinking and promised to never hurt me again.

After I heard the glass shatter, there was nothing but silence in the house.

What the fuck happened?!

My heart skipped a beat as I rushed out of my car and into the house with the teddy bear that Atheria had given me.

When I entered the house, my father was standing still and looking at me with an expressionless face.

His eyes seemed to be soulless as they stared right through me.

"Dad, are you okay? What happened?" I asked with some uncertainty.

My father said nothing as he held out a knife from behind his back, eyes still focused on me.

Instantly, my heart beat frantically out of my chest.

I was confused but even more fearful of what he was about to do.

A million thoughts ran through my head, while I clutched onto the teddy bear in my hands.

He...wouldn't really want to kill me, would he?

Why isn't he saying anything?

My father took a step forward, pointing the knife at me.

"Dad, what are you doing? Please tell me this is a joke...DAD!"

I shouted at him, but he seemed like a lifeless zombie as he took slow but steady steps towards me.

Each step made my skin crawl and my heart break.

Did he really want to kill his own son?

In a split second, he dashed towards me and raised his knife.

The teddy bear in my hands dropped onto the ground with a soft thud and what happened next was a blur.

I felt a force take over me, filling me with profound strength.

A strange power coursed through my veins, while I felt some sort of heat emanating from my eyes.

It didn't hurt but it felt extremely foreign.

What is happening to me?!

Why do I feel so weird?!

I couldn't control whatever was happening with me and I felt powerful yet helpless.

This can't be real right?

This must be a dream...

My train of thoughts came to a halt when I realised that my father was in front of me.

Right before the knife had slashed me, I felt an explosion of energy within me.


A dark sphere of energy was let loose and it pushed my father away from me with such an intense force that he crashed into the wall ten metres behind with a sickening crack.

My eyes widened when I realised what I had just done.

No...this can't be real!

How did that happen?!

I ran to my father, who was unmoving on the floor with his back against the wall.

I hurried to check his pulse and my heart dropped when there was none.


"DAD!" I screamed in agony while I shook my father's lifeless body.

I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces as immense grief consumed me.

Suddenly, the world around me was spinning and I caught one last glimpse of an image before I was enveloped in darkness.

It was my reflection in a glass shard that was on the ground.

My hazelnut eyes had turned into a cruel shade of black.

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