18. Deja Vu

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Atheria's POV:

I watched as a tear fell from Hayden's left eye.

He looked away as if he was afraid to see how I would react.

I didn't really know what to feel either, but as I saw more tears falling, I felt my heart tighten.

Seeing Hayden like that made me worried too.

I felt some moisture on my face and realised that I was crying too.

I really wished I could help him.

I looked at his father's body, the same thought running through my mind many times.

If only he could just wake up...

Please just wake up...

Suddenly, I felt my necklace hum against my chest and a strong sense of determination overcome me.

Instinctively, I placed both hands on his father's chest and closed my eyes.

"Atheria? What are you-"

I felt the humming in my necklace go louder, drowning out every other sound around me.

Soon after, all I could hear was my own breathing and heartbeat.

I felt myself search for something, though I wasn't sure what it was.

As I tried to search harder, I squinted my eyebrows as an explosive power coursed through my veins.

Found it.

Another heartbeat.

Another breath.

I opened my eyes to see Hayden's father coughing violently as he sat up.

Hayden's eyes widened and he rushed to help his father up.

I didn't miss the look of confusion and relief that spread across his features as he looked between me and his father.

Did I just do that?

"Dad! Are you okay? Talk to me please..."

Hayden pleaded, patting on his father's back and waiting for him to stop coughing.

While I witnessed the predicament in front of me, a million thoughts ran through my head.

No... I did not just do that.

His father wasn't breathing and suddenly he's awake?

What was I even doing?

A few moments ago, my body felt like it was moving on its own accord.

When I put my hands on his father's chest, it felt like something I had done many times before.

"My back hurts, but I think I'm okay. What happened? Oh gosh, I smell like alcohol. Did I drink again? I'm so sorry Hayden, I promised not to anymore-"

His father was cut off when Hayden hugged him tightly.

"I thought I had lost you..." He whispered.

Hayden's father had a look of confusion on his face, but hugged his son back anyway, before realising I was there in the room with them.

I smiled awkwardly, realising that I had forgotten to make my presence known.

"Hello, I'm Atheria, a friend of Hayden's. I came by to ask him something. Sorry for the intrusion." I introduced, adding a small lie.

Something happened here and Hayden must've had something to do with it.

I'll ask him later.

I could sense that Hayden didn't want his father to know what happened so I helped him to change the topic.

"Oh, and your back is knocked up quite bad. We should get you to a hospital in case it gets worse."

Hayden's eyes spoke of thanks as he stood up to help his father.

"Nice to meet you Atheria, though I wish we could've met under better circumstances." Hayden's father replied humorously.

"Thank you for dropping by, I'll talk to you later?" Hayden asked.

I could tell that Hayden wanted some answers, so I nodded and left after waving goodbye.


You're special Atheria, don't forget that.

On the whole way back home, I couldn't get this thought out of my mind.

Something told me that I needed to talk to that lady in my dream again.

I needed answers too if I was going to explain anything to Hayden.

Was I some healer?

I did bring Hayden's father miraculously back to life...

I sighed, feeling frustrated over all my unanswered questions.

I hated the unknown.

It was always hard to deal with unexpected situations, like my parents' death.

Mom, dad.

I really miss you guys.

I wish someone could tell me what's going on.

When I reached home, I took a quick nap from the exhaustion I was feeling.

Whatever I did back there, took a toll on me.

When I woke up, I saw a text from Hayden and checked it.

He told me the hospital he was at and asked if I could meet him there to talk.

I replied "okay", and got ready.

I drove my car to the hospital and arrived there in twenty minutes.

I walked to the room his dad was staying in and knocked softly on the door.

"Come in."

The voice didn't belong to Hayden, but his father instead.

I opened the door gently, to see his father laying on the bed.

"Oh, Atheria! Are you here to see Hayden?"

His father asked with a warm smile.

I nodded my head shyly, noticing that Hayden wasn't in the room.

"Hayden went to the rooftop, you can go find him there."

Why is Hayden there?

After I thanked his father, I left the room and took the elevator to the rooftop.

When the elevator doors opened, I was met with a gush of strong wind.

I looked up to see dark clouds gathering in the sky.

Looks like it's going to rain...

Not long after, I felt drops of water land on my skin and I flinched from the thunder that sounded in the air.

Why does this feel familiar?

I turned around, to see Hayden standing at the edge of the rooftop.

My eyes widened, while my heart skipped a beat.

This was the dream I had.

Wait, didn't he fall down this rooftop in my dream?

Oh my god.


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