4. The "Date"

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Atheria's POV:

The school bell rang, signalling the end of school.

Many students scurried out of the class and were eager to get home.

While I was packing my bag, I felt butterflies in my stomach.

Hayden asked me to go to a cafe with him, and I'm not sure why but hell was I nervous.

Maybe it's because I'm a hopeless romantic.

I've never had a boyfriend or been asked out on a date.

So, even though Hayden is my friend, I can't help but feel nervous.

Gosh maybe I am a pussy, I suck at this.

"Earth to Atheria!"

Hayden shouted into my ear and I got scared shitless.

I practically jumped out of my seat and looked like I saw a shark.

"WHY DID YOU SCREAM INTO MY EAR? God my poor ears, Jesus you scared the hell out of me!"

"Well, I had been calling you FIVE times, but you were like in your dreamland! What were you even thinking about?"

Oh, ya I was freaking out about the "date".

"Eh, nothing. I guess I was just daydreaming...oops, anyways what were you gonna ask?"

"I was just asking if you were ready to go to the cafe with me. By the way, you looked funny jumping out of your seat just now haha. I'll be sure to scare you more from now on."

Hayden smirked at me and laughed at my reaction.

I rolled my eyes and told him, "Yes I'm ready, you bitch. Let's go."


When we reached the cafe, I practically squealed.


Hayden flinched and rubbed his temples.

"Ouch! That gave me a headache wow, you really got your revenge."

I stuck my tongue out at him and walked into the cafe.

The interior was simple yet beautiful.

Many small light bulbs hung from the ceiling and the place was furnished with copper-stained tables and chairs.

There was a comfortable vibe and I knew that I was gonna be a regular here

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There was a comfortable vibe and I knew that I was gonna be a regular here.

"Okay, you can stop gawking at this place now. Let's order coffee and get seats."

I frowned and replied, "Fine."

We reached the counter and ordered our drinks, well after I took a solid two minutes staring at the menu...

I ordered a caramel frappe, while Hayden ordered a vanilla cream cold brew.

We got our drinks and sat down on the seats beside the window.

I looked through the window at the view outside, while sipping on my coffee.

I guess this wasn't so bad after all...

"Okay, I have an idea for what we can do now."

I looked at him curiously while he spoke, "Let's play five questions! It's not a game but I made it up. Basically, we ask each other five questions."

Though Hayden and I already shared some things about each other over the past few days, there was still more of him I was interested to know.

"Yea let's play it. You go first."

Hayden asked the first question, " Why did you enrol here?"

"Well, I moved here from California to New York. I moved because I wanted a new environment to be in, and also because I heard the courses here are pretty good."

"Oh... Okay, it's your turn to ask me a question."

I thought for a moment, and asked, "What was your first impression of me?"

"Hmm, at first I was going to be mad at whoever woke me up, but you looked so innocent and cute that I decided to not to."

My heart skipped a beat at his reply.

Did he just say he found me cute?

Shit, I'm blushing again arent I...

"Haha funny eh okay... Next question, do you have a pet?"

I quickly took a sip out of my coffee to hide my embarrassment, yet again why is this male making me so flustered?

"I have a pet dog, his name is Toffee. He's a very cute puppy and I love him very much." Hayden's eyes lit up while talking about his beloved dog.

"OMG, I need to see your dog one day! I love dogs so much!" I said excitedly.

"Haha sure. Okay, my next question is...how's your family like?"

Once Hayden asked me that, my mood diminished.

I didn't talk much about my family as it was a soft spot for me.

I started to tear up and was met with Hayden's concerned-looking eyes.

"Eh, did I say something wrong? I'm sorry I didn't mean to -"

"No no, it's not your fault silly. My family is just a touchy subject for me..." I interjected.

For some reason, I didn't mind the idea of telling him about my family.

I felt that I trusted him.

I rubbed away the tears that escaped and said, "I wouldn't mind telling you though, is there somewhere else we could go to talk?"

Hayden thought for a moment and replied, "Yeah, there's a park nearby. Let's go there, but are you sure you wanna talk about it? It's okay if you don't want to..."

I rolled my eyes and smiled at how cute he was being.

"Just stop talking and bring me there."

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