12. Detention

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Atheria's POV:

"This sucks..."

Hayden whispered to me while I stared at the clock, hoping time would pass faster.

This was not how I wanted a Monday morning to go.

Unamused, I faced him and half-whispered half-shouted back, "Well, I can't believe you fell asleep at my house!"

Hayden shook his head feigning innocence and replied with an evil grin, "Says the one that fell asleep on my shoulder. Oh and I think that someone also drooled on me."

Upon hearing that, my cheeks heated up and I turned away from him with my arms crossed.

"I'm just messing with you Ria, you should've seen your face!"

I faced him again and smacked him on the shoulder while glaring at him.

"Shut up Hayden!" the words escaped my mouth before I could stop them.

"Atheria, Hayden! Stop messing around or you'll both get extra detention!"

The teacher warned before getting back to her work.

I shot Hayden a glare before facing the front of the classroom.

Ugh, help me...

I can't believe both of us fell asleep on the couch yesterday.

It was kinda nice though...

Wait, stop it!

Don't fall for him!

I was in such deep thought that I didn't even realise that Hayden was trying to get my attention.

He continued to poke my arm until I finally gave in and looked at him again.


"I'm sorry for getting you into detention, I know you don't usually get into trouble. Thank you for spending the day with me yesterday and hearing me out. I appreciate it."

Looking at those eyes that were filled with sincerity, my heart softened and I couldn't help the smile that crept up my face as I remembered the whole day that we had spent together.

"I enjoyed the day with you too."

Hayden smiled and seemed like he was about to say something when the bell rang, signalling the end of our detention.

"Alright, guys you may leave. Don't be late again."


As Hayden and I walked out of the classroom, I remembered that he was going to say something and I asked, "What were you going to say? Before the bell interrupted you?"

Hayden looked at me with a straight face and told me, "Nothing."

"Wait, what? You clearly had something to say!"

Hayden laughed at me and replied, "Just messing with you. Do you want to come with me to the fair this weekend? I know it probably sounds childish but I haven't been to one in a long time."

My heart skipped a beat.

Is this another date?

"Sure! I love fairs! The food is to die for!" I replied with excitement.

As Hayden and I walked to the cafeteria, we found Jaxon and Lily at the usual table chatting away.

"Oh my god and I thought you guys got arrested or something!" Lily rushed to me and started bombarding me with questions.

After I explained what happened to them, Jason asked sceptically, "Wait, so you guys met coincidentally yesterday and somehow both got late to school today?"

Okay so I left out the part where we fell asleep at my house, I mean I wasn't going to kill myself and Hayden because if Lily knew, she would never stop teasing me about it.

Hayden coughed awkwardly and changed the topic "Anyways there's a fair this weekend do you guys want to join me and Atheria?"

Wait, so not a date?

Why do I feel disappointed?

Lily squealed while Jaxon immediately agreed.

They must really love fairs huh.

I thought about the four of us having our first "excursion" together and I couldn't help but feel excited anyways.

It's going to be really fun.

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