7. Downfall

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Hayden's POV:

"Bye!" I said as I waved goodbye to my friends.

I got into my car and drove home.

I thought about what happened today and I couldn't help but smile.

When I saw Atheria in that dress, I gawked inwardly at her.

She looked like a fucking goddess.

The dress hugged her nicely and accentuated her curves.

I couldn't say a word, and I didn't know how to react.

It was then when Lily broke the silence that I got out of my trance.

I saw Jaxon gave her a thumbs-up, and since I didn't know how else to react, I followed.

Oh and when she fell and held onto me just now, it was so cute that all I wanted was to hold her in my embrace.

Even her blush is adorable...

I think I'm starting to fall in love with her...


As I stepped onto the doorway of my house, I heard the sound of glass breaking in the living room.

I panicked as I thought of the worst-case scenario.

I immediately opened the door and walked in to see an utter, and complete mess.

There were glass bottles scattered everywhere, on the couch, tables, and floor.

Everything was in a mess.

The furniture was flipped over and pushed against the wall.

I looked around to find my dad and what I saw rooted me to the ground.

I thought the house was a mess, but my father was a hell lot worse.

His clothing reeked of alcohol and was pretty much dripping with beer.

He had huge, heavy eye bags, and a beard that was not shaved in months.

He looked utterly broken.

I've seen my dad drunk, but not this drunk.

"You... You killed your mother! You ruined me... It's all you fault! You will pay for this! YOU ARE A MONSTER!" My father said while pointing his fingers at me.

My heart, felt like it had been stabbed repeatedly and all the memories of my downfall came back to me.

My mother, she died in a car accident eight years ago when I was ten.

I was with her in the car that day.

My mother was driving us home at night when suddenly, a dark figure appeared on the road in front of the car.

My mother swerved to the right frantically and crashed straight into a tree.

I was seating in the back of the car that night and the impact of the crash hit the right side of the car, right where my mother sat.

I remember feeling immense pain as blood trickled down my forehead.

"Mum...? Mum, are you alright? My head...it hurts..."

There was no reply so I crawled up from my seat to check on my mum, who sat in the front.

It was at that moment when I witnessed a true nightmare, one that I have till this day.

My mother's eyes were wide open, staring lifelessly at the road.

Crimson red blood flowed down from the side of her head like a fountain.

I screamed so loud, that sometimes, I can still hear them in my sleep.

I tried desperately to 'wake' her up and shook her while shouting for help.

I shouted and shouted.

But help never came that night.

A dark figure was the last thing I saw before I passed out.

I woke up the next day to bright lights in an emergency room.

I had to get stitches for my head injury, but I was lucky that my injuries weren't fatal.

My father was in the room with me when the police explained the cause of my mother's death.

"It was dark out and she crashed into a tree. She died immediately from the impact. We found your son unconscious as well, but luckily he survived."

My father never said a word to me that day and I was left alone in the hospital room to recover.

That day, I lost both my mother and my father.

He never treated me the same after that night.

He would get drunk on most days when he came home from work and barely talked to me.

I felt a burning pain on my arm and realised that my father had just whipped me with his belt.

I looked up to see a pair of crazed eyes that had lost all its life.

Before I could say a word, he whipped me again.

This time, even harder.

I barely registered what he was doing to me, it was nothing compared to the pain I felt in my heart.

I realised that my father resented me all these years because he thought that I was the cause of my mother's death...

I stood there that night and let him hit me as much as he wanted.

I couldn't disobey him...

He was still my father and I felt like I deserved the beatings.

I guess it was my fault that mum died...

I asked her to bring me out to buy snacks that night.

If I didn't, mum would've still been alive...

If I didn't, dad wouldn't be broken like this.

If I didn't, no one would've had to suffer.

I am.

A monster.

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