17. Fallen

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Atheria's POV:

My eyes slowly fluttered open and everything around me was a blur.

I blinked a few times, feeling confused.

After a few seconds, my vision cleared up and I realised that I was on the floor.

My body ached everywhere as I struggled to sit up.

What happened?

When I tried to recall what had happened, I felt a searing pain in my head.

I hissed, while my hand instinctively reached out to the side of my head to ease the pain.

Fuck, my head hurts!

I heard a soft humming close by and looked down to find a glowing white necklace.

Oh yeah, I wore this.

I felt the strange sensation throughout my whole body, the same one I had felt before passing out.

It felt foreign yet comforting at the same time.


Wait, what's the time now?

I grabbed my phone and looked at the time, gasping when the realisation hit me.

I've been passed out for 4 hours?!


Then I noticed that my phone was flooded with messages, most of which came from Lily.

I opened the messages to see five missed calls and over a hundred messages from her.

I scrolled all the way to the bottom to see a bunch of questions.








I could hear the worry in her texts and I quickly sent a reply to assure her that I was okay.

It hadn't even been five seconds before she bombarded me with questions.

She asked me why I had been MIA half the day since it was really unlike me.

I don't even know what's going on with myself, so how am I supposed to explain this to Lily?

Then, I tried to piece together what has been happening to me lately.

The weird dreams and my mother's necklace.

Never mind.

This shit doesn't even make any sense.

How did I pass out from wearing a necklace?

I thought about what the lady in my dream had said, "You are special, Atheria."

Even though it was just a dream, I couldn't help but ponder over her words.

What did the lady even mean?

I'm just an average girl that goes to school...

What could even be special about me?

When I tried to think any further, my headache worsened and I hissed in pain again.

In the end, I decided to tell Lily that I had overslept so that she wouldn't have to worry about me.

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