10. The Truth

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Hayden's POV:

"Hayden, weird question but why wasn't your father visiting your mother's grave with you?"

Atheria and I were chilling by the lake when she suddenly asked me a question that caught me off guard.

My heart stopped beating for a second and I didn't know how to answer her.

Atheria noticed my tension and said, "It's okay if you're not comfortable to talk about it."

I decided to tell her about my situation since I trusted her.

I took a deep breath and explained, "My dad and I weren't close anymore after my mother's passing. He became distant and worked a lot at the start. But recently he's been drinking and getting pretty drunk. A few days ago he actually... he blamed me for my mum's death and started hitting me with his belt. I let him because I was heartbroken and I honestly blamed myself too. I realised that if I didn't ask her to bring me out to buy snacks, she wouldn't have been in a car accident that night."

"I just feel like shit. I found out why my dad hated me all these years and I feel so guilty that I ruined the family... I...I don't know what to do... I can't even bring myself to stop my dad because I feel like it's my fault everything happened."

I started to tear up and I looked at the sky, not wanting to know if Atheria would also blame me like my dad.

Dark clouds gathered in the sky before a ray of light shone through.

I was soon pulled into a comforting embrace.

Atheria said gently, "Hayden, I want you to know that it wasn't your fault. No one would've known that you would go through a car accident that night. It's your father that is in the wrong. You can't let him have his way and abuse you. You need to stand up for yourself and let him know that it wasn't your fault."

"You do not deserve this treatment, Hayden. You have a big heart, you love your family and you need to realise that you weren't the cause of your family's demise. Don't let your father ruin you."

My heart warmed when I saw the determination in her eyes.

She was sincere with every word and she made all my insecurities fade away.

I thought to myself:

How could I blame myself and let my father hit me?

It was never anyone's fault.

My father only blamed me as he had no one else to blame.

I hugged Atheria again and smiled at her.

"Thank you so much Atheria. I don't blame myself anymore, and I'll make sure that my father never has his way with me again."

Atheria's eyes glimmered with hope and relief as she hugged me back.

I love you so much...


Atheria and I left the forest sometime ago and we were now outside her house.

Atheria looked at me and hesitated for a moment before suggesting, "Since it's already dinner time, do you want to come in and cook dinner together? We can also chill and watch a movie after eating!"

I raised my eyebrows at her suggestion.

I was not expecting that, but I loved her idea.

I instantly agreed since I wanted to spend more time with her.

"Yay!" She squealed and let me into her house.

I looked around and noticed how her house contradicted mine.

My house was a mess while hers was neat and tidy.

The interior was very inviting and cosy-looking.

I walked into her house and lunged myself onto her couch.

Her couch was huge and looked so comfy, so I couldn't resist myself.

I saw a big stuffed bear and hugged it.

"HAYDEN! That's my bear! Get your hands off of Beary!"

Atheria snatched the bear off of me while I just looked at her amusingly.

Did she name her bear?

I laughed at her possessiveness towards a soft toy and she glared at me.

I pouted at her with the best puppy eyes I could do and her eyes softened.

She looked between me and her bear a few times and sighed in defeat, throwing it to me.

She's so cute.

I hugged the bear again and nuzzled my face into its soft head.

"So, are you going to help me cook or are you going to hug my bear all day?" Atheria asked.

No, but I would hug you all day if I could.

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