Point 2.

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Z. B

Everyone wanted me, but I wasn't that easy.

Unlike a certain player around here, I didn't shed my clothes the first second a girl batted her eyelashes at me. I maintained an aura of mystery and that was why they kept chasing after me. Every now and then, I'd indulge, but it was better being the forbidden fruit.

The name was Zaid Brooks, and don't you forget it.

I was the walking enigma and everyone just waited in line for me to give them my attention. Unlike a man who calls himself the king, I gave them attention and more than enough of it. That was how you kept them waiting. 

Returning to Minneapolis from Sydney was long overdue. It wasn't by choice, but thank god, I did. I wasn't the same as I was when I left. Life in Sydney was so much more different: people talked differently, acted in ways that I had never seen, and it was quite a shock that I was able to adapt to their habits and fit in well. I didn't have a choice, but the things that happened there were enough to keep my mind from wondering what life was like back home. I had left in April so that I could be back by September and finish my senior year out strong, do all the things that I needed to do to be accomplished for the future.

But now I was back, and damn, it felt good to walk through the halls, reminiscing over what once was. Now, things were definitely gonna change and it was gonna happen by my hand. Because I was Zaid Brooks—what I did mattered.

"Oh my god, he's back!" I raised a brow, hearing a shrill voice as I sauntered down the familiar hallways of Northvale High. I let winks fly down my face to girls as I made my way past them, knowing that they were probably lusting over that. It wasn't an opinion, but a well-known fact.

A part of me was chuckling in mirth because if these girls knew about my return, he most certainly did too, and he was definitely not happy about it. That douchebag might have been the king who made girls' panties drop like it was nothing, but he had to understand one thing: I was the emperor. He couldn't even compare to me. 

"Zaid!" I heard a girl yell as she flipped her blonde hair over her shoulders and I sent a wink her way, smirking. "What it do, Anna?" I asked with genuine curiosity and she blushed, locking her eyes with the floor. "It's been a long time since you've been here," I nodded, blowing her a kiss as I laid eyes on the familiar double doors that would lead me to the giant cafeteria. 

Beyond those doors lied a new world that I hadn't seen in forever. Part of me was nervous because while things hadn't changed, I did and it was time to let this school know that. I fixed the chain on my hip, cracking my neck as I laid my hands on the doors, pushing through.

Just like in the movies that we all watched growing up with awe dumbstruck on our faces as we stared at the screen, I made a dramatic entrance and damn, if it wasn't the best I had ever seen. 

There were no words to explain the way that I felt immersed in the moment as all eyes turned to face me, widened and full of confusion, shock, surprise, and lust—which was expected— jaws dropped as screeches impaired the silence. I couldn't stop the shit-eating smirk that transformed my lips as I searched the cafeteria for one person.

"Oh my god, he's back!"

"He's mine, Naomi!"

"No, Kenya! I saw him first!"

"Shut it, Eleanor! It's not like he wants you."

"Amara, if you don't..."

I tuned out the sounds of the many girls clamoring and yelling over who got my attention. Wow, I only had been for all of 30 seconds and look at the damage that I had caused. Hehe, such power.

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