VI:Pinching Cheeks

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At a gas station somewhere in the desert, the Rust Bucket was parked as Max was at an ATM getting out some cash while the kids were inside of the convenience store getting ice cream.

Then, a pick-up truck pulled up and a thug walked up behind Max as he was using the ATM.

"Out of the way, Grandpa," he said. "I've got a major withdrawal to make."

He then violently tossed him out of the way and at the feet of another thug. He then smiled smugly.

Inside of the convenience store, the kids were looking over the ice cream selection.

"What do you have that's non-fat, less than 3% sugar?" Gwen asked.

"Napkins," the clerk and Victoria said as he turned to them. "What about you two?"

Just as Victoria was about to make her selection, the twins then noticed one of the thugs hooking up a chain from the truck to the ATM, planning to drive away with it. Viviane then smirked and bowed to her. "You may do the honors sister." He said smugly

"Thank you, brother," She bowed back before turning to the ice cream man. "I'm about to go rocky road."

She then ran out of the store and dialed in on her watch while Jen turned to the clerk. "One Neiopotolion with sprinkles and whipped cream, oh put a few chocolate chips in, please."

The first thug then hooked up the chain to the ATM before turning to his buddy. "Hit it."

The other thug then gave a thumbs-up and tried to start the truck, only for it to not go anywhere after hitting the gas pedal.

Then, right before his eyes, the steering wheel dissolved and the entire front of the truck became a formless black and white mass with green data-like markings on his body forming some kind of limbs and a single circle on the front of the head representing an eye. This was another of Victoria's aliens known as Upgrade.

"Your cash request has been denied!" Upgrade announced in a digitized version of Victoria's voice, her eye lighting up as he spoke.

Outside of the car, we see that she's taken over the entire truck, it turning the same black and green as her as the thug was tossed out of the car and Upgrade de-merged with it as she looked to the other thug, who tossed the hook and chain at him like a mace, only for Upgrade to wrap it around her arm and then yank him right into a power-line pole, nearly unconscious.

As he tried to get up, Max prevented him from doing so by putting his foot on his chest.

"Where do you think you're going?" Max asked as he looked to Upgrade as Gwen and Viviane walked out of the convenience store, enjoying their ice cream.

"Oh yeah!" Upgrade said as Viviane smiled at her. "I'm ready for anything! Bring it on!"

"Where do we go next, Grandpa?" Gwen asked, hopefully.

"We're heading off to see your Aunt Vera for the weekend," Max said.

The twins grew horrified looks upon their faces. (Or at least Viviane did, since you can't really make out any emotions on Upgrade's face. Although her green circuits turned red for a instant if that helps?)

"Boring old Aunt Vera?" Upgrade asked.

"The one who always pinches our cheeks to hard?" Vivine asked.

"NO!" The twins shouted in horror.

The Rust Bucket drove through the desert with no scenery in sight as the twins slumped on the table in disappointment.

"Wow," Gwen said. "When Aunt Vera said she wanted to move away from it all, she really meant it."

"Oh man," Victoria sighed. "This summer was supposed to be about F-U-N. Not hanging out at some old lady's house." Even she was horrified at going to Aunt Vera. And she was more outgoing then her brother.

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