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On a boardwalk, two criminals walked down a ladder to a rowboat so that they could make their escape. One had on a white tank top, black pants and a red beanie while the other had on a black long sleeved shirt, blue jeans and a black beanie on.

"Knocking over that yacht was a piece of cake!," the white shirt criminal said as he and his partner laughed hysterically. But as he looked over the side of the boat, he saw a pair of green eyes in the water suddenly flash open and stared straight at him.

Suddenly, a clawed scaled hand with shot under the water and pulled him overboard.

His partner then looked over the edge seeing only the red beanie floating on the water before Ripjaws suddenly shot her head out of the water and advanced towards him. He panicked at the fish alien as he ran up the ladder and tried to make a break for it.

Ripjaws sighed and shook her head as she dived under the water and swam under the boardwalk. She then saw her brother as Killer Croc swam beside her with his hands behind his back, the knocked out poor bastard being thrown onto the pier.

"Okay, bro, you had your chance with the other guy," she said with a smirk. "This one's mine."

"Be my guest," Killer Croc said as Ripjaws got her game face and swam towards the pier, her angler sticking out of the water as she did so.

The black-shirted criminal ran for his life as he backed up by a hot dog cart before he looked back, scared beyond belief as he saw a burst of water appear over the edge and saw Ripjaws jump up from out of the water as she landed in front of him and crossed her arms in disappointment.

The criminal then glared as he pushed over the hot dog cart, sending weenies falling everywhere. Unfortunately, it also started leaking the fuel that was used to start the fire to cook the hot dogs. Then, the plug that was plugged in an outlet came undone and sent a spark outwards, igniting the fuel and sending a ring fire all around Ripjaws as she gasped in shock as she started feeling at her gills as she started breathing heavily as she got down onto her knees and gasped from the smoke.

"Got to love an old-fashioned fish fry!" the criminal shouted.

"I can't breathe!" Ripjaws wheezed out. "I need water! Water!" She then crouched down and punched a hole into the pier and dived down into the ocean below and breathed in a sigh of relief.

Then, Killer Croc joined her as she smiled. "So, how's your chance going?"

"Oh shut up, you don't need water." she said. "Let's just get this guy, alright?"

The criminal smiled as he walked away with his loot before the twins jumped out from below the boardwalk and Ripjaws grabbed him by the arms as Killer Croc slammed him into the ground causing his nose to gush blood. Ripjaws raised him up and tossed him into the sky as her brother sucker-punched him right into the Knock Down booth, sending the cups spilling all over the place as he groaned in pain.

A few minutes later, the cops came in and took the two criminals away as the twins stood by with the chief as he smiled to them in gratitude.

"I don't care what anybody says. You circus freaks are alright by me."

"Circus freaks?" Ripjaws asked. "Were superhero's!"

"My Sister means we out!" Killer Croc announced as the police turned to them, grabbing his sister Croc threw her overboard. Swimming to the surface Ripjaws began to yell something possibly rude towards men in general before Croc flopped into the water and the two began to swim away their bickering heard as they retreated.

"Circus freaks? Really?" Ripjaws asked as she sighed.

"I know, right?" Croc asked. "I don't think aliens technically qualify as circus freaks anyway."

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