XII:Lucky Charm

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{"Small" Rant about Viviane's personality. Viviane is meant to be portrayed as a character with a calm/laid back and mischievous personality always wanting to play some sort of prank but whereas his sister has little to no self control Viviane is less likely to actually prank someone he also has social anxiety caused by his school having shunned him as the "Weird Kid" causing him to, in the presence of unknowns (with the exclusion of cute girls and aliens) he would be nervous and on edge. Viviane also has a sense of Justice which is showed when he prioritized civilians over bickering with his sister in Chapter II. Viviane is also witty and can crack a joke and make almost anyone smile but due to his reserved nature around everyone(with the exclusion of his family) very few know his true self. Viviane loves his family more then anything and would be willing to lay down his life for them over anything else. He and Victoria share a unique bond only found in twins as the two are close enough were they are willing to sleep next to each other if need be and figure out the others thoughts with a single look(albeit Victoria has telepathy) Viviane is also prone to anger when his family, primarily Victoria, are hurt and become less rational. I wrote this so some people would understand how I wish to portray Viviane. Because we all know I'm terrible at keeping with the facts I've already lauded down}

The gang was checking out a museum that collected artifacts from history. Viviane was looking through a shaman's mask on a stand before he smirked and walked to the rest of his family as they were checking out an exhibit that was being described by the museum tour guide.

"...and behind this impenetrable glass is the recently discovered and only known existing copy of the Archamada Book of Spells."

"It contains ancient witchcraft and rituals from the late 1600's."

The tour guide then noticed Gwen doing her job and following her hand gestures. "Maybe you should work here, dear," she said as she walked away.

"Don't let mummy face get to you," Viviane said, nudging his cousin. "She's probably older than that spellbook."

Victoria then spat out her tongue and made a funny face as her brother and cousin laughed.

Suddenly, there was a tremor that resonated through the museum. Everyone started levitating in the air, including the Tennysons before they finally hit the ceiling.

"Okay, something tells me this isn't on the tour."

On the ground, a red mist suddenly came out from a blue gem that resonated into a man who stood in front of the spellbook. He had grey skin with black tattoos on his shoulders. His attire is like that of a tribal or a nomad. He wears a red and black dress and hood, and black pants that are torn beyond his knees. He wears what appears to be some talismans under his neck. He also has long black socks that didn't cover his heels or toes. His face is painted white and black to resemble a skull. He has black fingernails and toenails. He also held a magic staff. This magician was named Hex.

"The Archamada Book of Spells. All of it's power will soon be mine!"

One of the talismans in his necklace started glowing orange and he said an incantation that caused an explosion that destroyed the glass and he levitated the spellbook into his hands.

"Impenetrable glass my-" Viviane began as he shook his head before he and his sister dialed their Omnitrixes.

"Now might be a good time to go-" Viviane began before Hex noticed them and used his staff to dispel his levitation enchantment, sending them all to the ground. "-hero!" Victoria shouted as they all came crashing to the ground.

Suddenly, a gust of wind came from seemingly nowhere and blew an ancient shaman from under them as Victoria slammed her Omnitrix and became XLR8 and quickly tied the two end ropes to two stands, catching all of the patrons safely as she used her telekinesis on herself to catch herself before she sighed.

Omni Twins Ascension(Ben 10 AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora