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{At first I was gonna cut both Predator and Maya Aran from the final part and add two characters I wanted to add...But... fuck it... oh and remember when I was saying that Max shouldn't go buying pet food yet....well here ya go}

Up in space in the Chimera Wrath (still in Earth's orbit), Vilgax, still recovering from his injuries, was observing five galactic bounty hunters on his screen in the training area on his ship. They were highlighted by five spotlights from above them.

The first wore purple armor with purple pads covering his central joints, an alien like belt, and four central lines on his helmet to provide outlines for his face. His name was Six-Six.

The second was a crab-like alien with goldish brown-colored armor, a sideways mouth, four scythe-like legs and a large, powerful pincer for a left hand. Within the pincer was a power blaster combined with a chemical sprayer. His name was Kraab.

The third was a 7 foot tall bipedal humanoid long, dreadlock-like appendages on its, their reptilian skin and a face with feature arthropod-like mandibles and no visible nose. It wore a uniform that featured a metal mask on with quills on its head and silver blades on its wrists and heavy armor. You may know this as a Yautja, nicknamed Predator by the general public.

The fourth was a humanoid wearing a suit of armor that consisted of a deep red suit of armor with a golden helmet and chestplate that had a pink visor which shielded her face from view. She had an energy cannon on her left arm that covered her hand. Her name was Maya Aran.

The fifth and final bounty hunter wore a shiny grey suit along with a black helmet with a small, teal triangle on it, shoulder pads and boots. There are glowing teal coloured lines in his helmet and shoulder pads. His went by the codename Hoverboard. Beside him was a small pup like creature that wore the same armor as Hoverboard but the teal coloring was changed to a red magma.

"Begin the audition," Vilgax said over the ship's intercom as they got started.

Six-Six flew out first with his jetpack as a bunch of Vilgax's drones came out from the portholes and surrounded him. A socket in his armor opened and he pulled out a blaster and fired it on the droids, destroying a few of them. They fired back at him and he ducked out of the way of their lasers and activated his rocket launcher from his wrist and fired on another of the droids. He then pulled out grenade from another socket in his armor and tossed it at a few of the droids and it detonated, destroying them.

Kraab jumped down from the platform and attacked the droids, grabbing one of them with his pincer and tossing them into the other. He then spotted another come from him and he crushed it with his pincer and sliced another with his right hand.

The Predator glared as he activated his arm blades and sliced through every single droid he came across as he ducked under their blasts before firing a missile from his gauntlet towards them and destroyed them with a glare as he snarled at his colleagues.

Maya glared as she fired her power beam that sent out multiple blasts and charged blasts at the droids, destroying every single one they hit before she used her grapple beam on one flying overhead that she used to backflip overhead onto it and fired a missile into one overhead as she glared at them.

Then, from up above the four bounty hunters came another droid similar to the one that attacked the campground. Hoverboard pulled out his hoverboard and flew towards the droid and it fired a laser at him that hit him. But when the smoke cleared, it was revealed that he was completely unharmed thanks to his armor. He then jumped and punched right through the droid, destroying it as his hoverboard followed him and he folded it up and put it away as Vilgax's projection came on the screen.

Omni Twins Ascension(Ben 10 AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora