Sanemi x Reader Oneshot

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Requested by, Abs_Hou


You were writing in your journal, you eventually got tired of doing so and put the boring thing away,

That's what sanemi called it at least.

You shyly peeked around your room door only to have the living daylights scared out of you,

"AHH!" Sanemi screamed, roughly shaking your shoulders—

You yelled out of fear, jerking your shoulders away from him, backing up and facing tall man.

He had a droopy expression on his face, mouth curved into an intimidating smile though you still loved him, it was clear he was once again, drunk.

You made a run for it, hearing him call out for you, laughing loudly, whenever he was drunk he'd enjoy playing tag knowing you're a timid person, your shrills satisfied him

You hated this so much—


You turned sharply around a hall after hearing that followed by laughter as he questioned where you were aloud,

You found a spare bedroom and opened the door, cringing hard as the door left a unreasonably loud and slow creek.—

You quickly slid under the bed, the lower curtains of the bed making you invisible,

You slowed down your breathing down hearing uneven steps and the slurs of his voice

"Ohh goddamnit.."

You heard the door slam open, you being able to see the shadows of his legs and feet as he walked around the room,-

you saw his shadow leave the room and that's when you decided you could come out now-.

But of course, like always- you were suddenly caught and found, he ripped you from under the bed and placed you on it- you screaming in the process.

You've gotten used to it, but this was pretty terrifying, it being 2am and all, and dark.

He flicked on the lamp next to the bedside-

His crazed expression now gone as he somewhat leaned onto you

You rolled your eyes and rubbed his head,

"Would you stop doing that?" You said sternly, losing your attitude as you felt his two slender arms snake around your waist,

Tightly hugging you—

You paused and just endured the slightly awkward event and leaned back on him, closing your eyes in thought.

"I lovrree youu!"

Drunk sanemi slurred, you smiled and returned his words

You pushed him on the bed correctly and pulled the blanket over him getting ready to leave the room.

"Noo!" Sanemi called out—
You turned to look at him with sleepy eyes as you wanted to sleep too, you guess he wanted you to stay till he slept?

You sat on the edge of the bed, the boy smiling before dozing off-

You felt too tired to get up and walk back to your room. So you said screw it and decided to sleep here with sanemi,

You lightly shoved him over and got under the covers and laid your head on his chest enjoying the warmth he was giving off, you really slept peacefully after you felt his arm pull you closer.



Hmmm this one was odd, but it was cute, I sort of gave the reader a muichirou persona >,<


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