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"A poet is, before anything else, a person who is passionately in love with language."

- W. H. Auden

This is a collection of poems that I created for the sake of the challenge I undertook.

The challenge was to create a variety of poems incorporating various figures of speech. I discovered that there are lots of figures of speech that I didn't know about before. For this reason, every once in a while, I challenge myself to create a poem which focuses on infusing a certain figure of speech.

I love doing it because poetry and figures of speech are really interesting and artistic.

It is my goal to entertain you with these poems and at the same time, give you an idea about the different types of figure of speech you can use in any types of creative writing especially in poetry.

If you like my poems, I will kindly ask for a vote. Thank you :)

The Poetry: Figures Of SpeechWhere stories live. Discover now