Chapter 1: Coming out.

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It was early in the morning at the park. And the sunrise was beautiful. Muscle Man and High Five Ghost were crashing cars over at the crash pit. Pops was watching the morning butterflies fly through the park. And Skips was fixing a cart from Mordecai and Rigby's lumorous adventures. But, Mordecai and Rigby were still asleep. they wanted to spend their day off the exact way wanted to. so they were doing just that. Mordecai then slowly and tiredly opened his eyes. Just for a knock to come at their door.

Mordecai then jumped up and then sat on his bed.

"You guys should go outside, it's really nice out there." Benson said, trying to criticize them.

"We can do whatever we want, it's our day off." Mordecai said.

"Okay then, if you guys don't do your regular work right, then i'm not surprised this is how you guys spend your day off." Benson said while walking away.

Mordecai then stood up and went to the exercising trampoline.

"Rigby i think we should wake up." Mordecai said, shaking the trampoline. After two minutes of shaking the trampoline, the mass of clothes moved and Rigby then popped up from the clothes. Rigby then yawned and then grunted.

"Dude, do we always have to get up early?"Rigby said getting out from the clothes.

"Man isn't he just cute when he's mad. Wait... W-What did I just say...?" Mordecai thought in his mind.

"Hello? Earth to Mordecai." Rigby said waving his arm around Mordecai's face.

"Oh, sorry." Mordecai said, coming back to reality.

Mordecai then just shook the feeling off of him and went on with the day.

"Sorry again, Rigby, got something in my mind." Mordecai said.

"Man, Hes cute." Rigby murmured. "Mordecai knows that I'm gay. I've been gay for years now. Ever since we graduated to be literate." Rigby thought in his mind.

"What was that?" Mordecai said. " Oh Shit, I forgot my date with Margaret!" Mordecai said. "I gotta go. See you soon!" Mordecai said, running out the door.

"But I thought we were going to hang out today." Rigby said.

"I know bro, but this is important, this is the only chance I'll have!" Mordecai said, shutting the door. "I'll be back soon!"

"You'll know where to find me...." Rigby said as Mordecai left. Rigby felt jealous of Margaret. It's like she's stealing Mordecai from him. Rigby has had feelings for Mordecai for a while. Rigby just could never come up with the courage to tell Mordecai that he had feelings for him. Rigby fears that their friendship will end if he talks about his feelings. Thats why he won't talk about it. Rigby knows damn well that he likes Mordecai. And he kind of hates himself for liking him. They've been best buds since before even grade school. But life's life man. You get what you get, and you don't throw a fit.

Mordecai's P.O.V.

This is it! Margaret actually said that I could go on a date with her! I mean, I said that I would spend the day with Rigby, but this is actually really important for me. This is the only chance that I can confess my love for Margaret once and for all!

As I was walking to the coffee shop, which isn't really that far away, I decided looked back to the house, up at the window to our room. Then I thought of Rigby and what I thought of him earlier. "What were you doing Mordecai, thinking like that! He's your best friend!" I thought in my mind.

"Hey Mordo!" Margaret suddenly said, running out of the coffee shop.

"Oh h-hey Margaret." I said, mentally face palming myself for studdering

"You won't believe what happened today! The cutest boy just asked me out!!" Margaret said.

"Cutest..." I thought in my mind. Then I thought about it. She wasn't here for me. She doesn't care. She just said that so she can fuck me over!

"I gotta go!" I said running back towards the park. "How could that bitch, giving me all of these oppertunities just to fuck me over when I get the chance to do something." I muttered to myself as I stomped my way up to the house. Once I got back to the house, I shut the front door, walked up to my room, slammed the door shut, and jumped down onto my bed."That son of a bitch! Why did she trick me like that!" I yelled, slamming my face into my pillow.

"I'm gonna guess that 'date' of yours didn't go well?" Rigby asked.

"Ugh, It was the worst." I said, taking the pillow off of my face.

3rd person P.O.V.

Rigby watched as Mordecai yelled into the pillow.

"Wow, you just gotta love a boy like him..." Rigby said, thinking out loud.

"Uh, thanks I guess?" Mordecai said. Rigby just stared at Mordecai. Did he just.... no theres no way he....

"D-Did I just...." Rigby asked himself in his mind. "Did I just confess my feelings!?!"

Mordecai just sat there, confused about what Rigby just said. Rigby just confessed his feelings for Mordecai.

Rigby's P.O.V.

"I can't believe it! I just confessed my love for Mordecai!" I thought to myself. "Dude, d-do you love me?" Mordecai asked me.

"YES! WASN'T IT OBVIOUS!!!" I said. "I loved you since we got our jobs at the park." I said, finally being able to say what I've been holding back for years. "Theres just something about you that I just love, that I just want to hold, and to call mine...."

Mordecai's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe what just happened. Rigby's been having feelings for me this entire time? And I didn't notice until today?? How stupid of me!!!

"You know, I have two secrets of mine that I would like to share with you.." I finally said, thinking it's time to put it out of the way while we're doing this.

"Y-Yeah?" Rigby asked, looking at me.

"Well, with us confessing everything. I would like to tell you that, I'm actually bisexual." I finally said, forming a little blush on my face as I said it. Rigby looked at me with a bit of a surprised expression. I then thought about all the times where I could've come up with the clues that Rigby left for me that said he liked me. My mind went from that, to just Rigby. I don't know why, but I suddenly started thinking about a different reality, where me and Rigby were together, as a couple. And honestly, it seems like a good reality. I want to make it reality. And now, I have a crush on Rigby too. I probably have had one for a while as well, but I never thought about it until now.

"And the other thing that I want to get off of my chest..." I said, taking a deep breath.

"Yeah?" Rigby asked.

"I-I like you too." I finally said. I blushed as I turned my face. Rigby looked at me with a shocked expression on his face. So, we both like each other. I never actually realized that this day would come, but it did. And I'm actually glad that it did.

"S-So we both..?" Rigby asked.

"Yep." I finished.

"So, you wanna pretend that this day never happened?" I asked.

"Yeah, lets just pretend that this never happened." Rigby said.

Ok... sorry if you guys aren't getting the interests that you want, but i kinda promise that the next part will be better!!! And i'm sorry if this was short.

P.S. After two years of this being too rushed, I came back to it and now I edited it so it wasn't too rushed. I did delete some text from it, because it wasn't really needed anyways. But I hope you enjoyed!!
Stay Strong and Live On!

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