Chapter 5: The Truth

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Mordecai's P.O.V.

When me and Rigby finally woke up from what happened last night, we quickly got up and went downstairs to go the the morning meeting. When we got there, everybody was there.

"Dangit, were late again." I said sitting down.

"Actually, Benson and Pops aren't here yet." Muscle Man said.

When Benson and Pops finally showed up, Pops stood at the bottom of the stairs with Benson.

"Okay, were not gonna try to make this too long. But you guys get the day off due to a meeting that were gonna have later this afternoon. So go do whatever you want to do. But, DON"T BREAK OR RUIN ANYTHING!!!" Benson said before going back into the cart.

Pops then got in the cart as well. Then they drove away.

"Yeah, we get the day off!" Rigby said jumping up and down on the stairs.

"Dude, but you do know that there is another meeting in the afternoon." I said, getting up to go into the house.

"Yeah, I know. But, We get the day off!!" Rigby said, going into the house.

He then ran upstairs and into the room. I then went upstairs and went into our room, shutting the door. Rigby then ran to me and hugged me tight. I was surprised for the fact that Rigby hates hugs. I hugged him back then kissed him. As we were kissing, Muscle Man and High Five Ghost came in.

"EEEEWWW, what are you guys doing?" Muscle Man said.

"No, we're looking at some art to buy- What the fuck to you think we're doing?" Rigby asked, Getting a bit irritated that Muscle Man said ew.

"No, it's just that, you two were kissing." Muscle Man said.

"So what!!!" Rigby yelled at Muscle Man.

"Don't worry, I'm glad that you two are showing your feelings for each other, and I support you!" High Five Ghost said to me.

I heard him, and nodded and thanked Fives, and just stared at Rigby yelling at Muscle Man.

After about a couple hours or so of Rigby lecturing Muscle Man on what love is, Muscle Man finally left. High Five Ghost stayed and told them why Muscle Man was over reacting about them kissing.

"It's just that, Muscle Man doesn't believe in the LGBTQ+ thing, so when he saw you two doing that, he got disgusted over it." High Five Ghost said, leaving. "And I would like to tel you a secret here tonight."

"Wait, can you make sure that Muscle Man doesn't tell anybody? We want to be the ones to tell everybody." Both me and Rigby said.

" Sure!" High Five Ghost said getting out the door.

"Thanks!" we said, as he left.

"Dude, we should get ready for the meeting." I said, handing Rigby some paper towels to wipe all of our saliva off of our faces. When we got all of it off, we threw them away, then went downstairs to the meeting. When we got there, everybody was there. We sat down and Benson began the meeting.

"Okay, so what we want to tell you is gonna be a bit surprising, but both me and Pops will tell you. Pops." Benson said, as Pops walked up towards Benson, then they both were standing next to each other.

"What me and Benson were going to say is, We have been together." Pops said before Muscle Man interrupted them.

"Do you know who else has been together? MY MOM!"

"Muscle Man, shut up for like, five minutes okay!?!" Benson said.

"What we are saying, is that, Me and Benson has been in a relationship. We've been together for 10 years now. And that is what we wanted to let you know, Mordecai and Rigby." Pops said.

Rigby's P.O.V.

When Pops said mine and Mordecai's name, we got confused. Why did he say are names?

"Mordecai and Rigby saw me and Benson making out on the couch two days ago. We wanted to tell you then, but you ran upstairs." Pops said.

Giving us signals to go over there. We went there, and Pops and Benson took us and hugged us, Still looking at the rest of them.

"That'll be the meetin-" Benson said before me and Mordecai interrupting him.

"Wait! We have something to say as well!" We said.

"Well, what so you have to say then?" Pops asked.

Me and Mordecai both took a deep breath, then spoke.

"We've also have been in a relationship. We've been together for like 3 days, but we'd like to thank High Five Ghost for making us brave enough to tell you this." We said, blushing.

We then ran inside, upstairs, and then slammed the door to our room. We then kissed, for the longest time ever. while we were kissing, Skips, Benson, Pops, and High Five Ghost came into our room. They then patted us on the back, but softly so that they didn't break our kiss. Pops and Benson then said that is was alright to be embarrassed over it. Because it is embarrassing at first, but after a little bit, It's not embarrassing anymore.

After that, all of them sat next to us, while we were still kissing. They then started hugging us. We stopped kissing, and hugged them back. They then left. When they left, is was 8:00. Fives stayed though.

"Well, now that it's night, I want to tell you two something that Muscle Man doesn't know." Fives said, sitting down on Mordecai's bed.

"What is it?" Me and Rigby asked.

"Well, I'm bisexual." Fives said. Hearing those words put exitement in our bodies. "Please don't tell Muscle Man this...."

"Why would we? We still have secrets hidden from childhood friends back in grade school!" Rigby said.

"T-Thank you" Fives said, tears falling down his eyes.

"Hey, why are you crying?" I asked Fives.

"I-It's just that.... I don't like being friends with Muscle Man anymore, now that I'm bisexual...... H-He's terrorized people of the LGBTQ community, most of the times in my face..... and I don't like it..." Fives said, crying.

Me and Rigby felt completely devestated after what we just heard. Muscle Man has been terrorizing homosexuals now? In front of a homosexual? That man I swear, he's gone insane.

"A-And all I want is just to love the people that I-I love!' Fives said, breaking down into tears. Me and Rigby hugged Fives.

"Shhh, you can love whoever you want to love. Nobody in the world can take that ability away from you." I said, hugging fives.

"T-Thank you." Fives said.

"No problem." I replied.

Fives thanked us again for the advice, and left the room. I was honestly thinking about beating the living shit out of Muscle Man, I won't lie. If I hear another thing about Muscle Man terrorizing the LGBTQ, I'm going to personally crucify him like he was jesus. But not now. I'm just too tired to give a shit about pajamas or anything else.

"Dude, lets just go to bed." I said, getting into some shorts.

Rigby then changed into some sweatpants.

"Yeah, lets go to bed, surely well be fine in the morning." Rigby said, getting into bed.

I then got in and started to pet Rigby's head. Rigby started to purr, and then, he smiled at me. I smiled back, and then Rigby kissed me. He then yawned, then finally went to bed. I then started to pet his head again and then went to sleep.

HOLY HELL!!! it's been so long since I've updated. Sorry!!! hoped you liked this book so far! I hope you enjoyed this part, and I hope that I improved the story with me editing it!
Stay Strong and Live On!

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