Chapter 13: The Proposal.

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Rigby's P.O.V.
When I woke up, it was 2: 30 in the morning. I woke up on Mordecai's chest, and then I got the feeling to just punch him in the face. I really didn't want to, so I just went onto my bed. It still smelled like sex, so I just decided to draw. I got some paper, then I got a pencil. I then got a feeling of anger for everybody. I really didn't want to hurt them, so, I've made a decision. It's the only way to help stop this. I'm going to leave. I decided to write a letter and just leave. Around 5 minutes later, I finished the letter and put it on Mordecai's bed. I then packed some food, a sleeping bag from the garage, then, I left.

I then started to run after I got out of the park. I stopped after i couldn't feel my legs anymore. And I found myself at my brothers house. I knocked on the door. And then Don answered it.

"Rigby? What are you doing here this early?" Don asked.

"I'm here because I need to ask you something." I said, shivering because it was really cold outside.

"Oh well come inside and we can talk about it." Don said, opening the door wider so that I could get in.

I went in and sat down on the couch. Don then came in and sat down next to me.

"So what did you want to ask me?" Don said, getting all comfortable.

"I was wondering if I could live here." I said.

Don then jumped up.

" What happened at the park? I mean, you love it there don't you?" Don asked.

"That's the problem." I said.

"Let's sit back down, then you can tell me everything." Don said, calming down and sitting back down.

I sighed. "Well, my boyfriend, Mordecai accidentally pushed me off a mountain three days ago. And I just got do mad at him but I don't know why. I hid my anger, but today, I just couldn't handle it. I wrote a letter saying that I quit the park. And that I left to relive my life. And then, I left to here." I said, as tears were threatening to fall.

Don then stood up, and left. Don came back with a glass of water, and handed it to me.

"It's okay, let's just go back and you can tell them the truth. I'm sure that they'll understand. Congratulations on the relationship too.." Don said.

I nodded, thanked him, and stood up. He always gives the best advice, I honestly don't know why I hate him. We walked out the door, and got in Don's car. We drove for like 5 minutes, and then we reached the park house. I thanked him, and got out of the car. I opened the door, to hear Benson scream. I ran up the stairs, to see as blood was all over the upstairs floor.

Benson was in our room. I know this house well. I wondered on why there was blood on the floor. Then, it all hit me.

"Mordecai!!" I screamed as I ran to our room.

I knew that it was Mordecai because he tried to cut himself when he was mad or sad. I found him. And he would just hug me and sob into my shoulder. It was like that for every time that he was sad or mad. And this time. I wasn't here for him. I opened the door, and saw as Mordecai was in the middle of the room, as blood was rushing out of his arms, legs. I couldn't tell if there were more cuts or not somewhere else. I pushed him onto his back. And cried. He slit his throat....... I cried as he wasn't breathing. I started to do CPR, but then I just called Don. Don was a doctor, do he always has a emergency first aid. I pulled out my phone, and called.

"Hello?" Don asked.

"Hey, it's me." I said.

" Oh, hey Rigby, how's it going with the whole thing.

"Horrible, I think that Mordecai killed himself, can you please come up. We're in our room. The second door to the right upstairs." I cried, as tears were falling down my face.

I heard as Don rushed into the house, and into our room. He pulled out his first aid.and started on Mordecai. I just cried as Don then picked up Mordecai, and ran out of the room. I followed them as he put Mordecai in the back seats of his car. I got in the passenger and Don got in the driver's. We then left.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To the hospital." Don said, as we just got in the driveway to the hospital. We parked, and Don quickly got Mordecai, and left to the emergency doors of the hospital. I saw him get his ID that says that he was a doctor. And I followed him. We got in, and Don yelled.

"We got someone dying!" He then put him on a bed, and we both rushed into a room. A nurse then quickly ran in. And took out those blood pouches.

"Do you know what blood type he is sir?" The nurse asked.

"He has the same as me. Type A" I said.

"Do you mind if-" the nurse said before I interuppted.

"Just do what you have to to save my boyfriend" I said, laying my arm out. The nurse did what she needed to. And then Mordecai's heart beat was normal. I then sighed in relief. But then I got nervous as Mordecai opened his eyes.

"H-Hey....." Mordecai said. I just hugged him as I cried.

"Your back!!!!!!!!!" I cried. I don't want to lose him. We've lost enough.

When we got finished. Mordecai looked to the little shelf.

Heyo, hope your all enjoying the fanfic. I just have to say, but I'm sorry that the actual proposal was in the next chapter. I accidentally made that mistake. And I hope you all will understand.
Stay Strong and Live On!

Forever Together (morby)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz