Updates Still Onward.

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Heyo, Caelen here. I'm here to tell you that on this fanfic, I will keep updating on this story. Its just that, I miss the relif and happiness after working hard on a chapter. So I will still work on the sequal, but it might be a while. I really don't know what to write and whenever I do, it all goes to shit. So it might be a little bit until the next chapter, but hopfully it isn't. Also, I want to thank you guys for more than 500 reads! I have a challenge for you guys as well. Can we get this fanfic to 700 by tg e end of the month? Try to see if we can do it. But I know that you might be annoyed with people asking you to do something that you don't really have to do, so I'm not asking or begging. I really just want this fanfic to at least still be going. Because I'm facing through depression again. Two times this year. And now I'm facing through it again. So yeah, this story is the onky thing on my mind when I'm alone, and I'm starting to get suicidal thoughts, please, if I kill myself, please keep this alive, this is really the only thing I'm known for, my fanfic. I'm not joking, I am getting suicidal thoughts. Last time I cut myself. So who knows what coukd haooen with me next. I just want to be known. So I guess that should be all. But it isn't. I had depression also at the age of five. I had a best friend the age of eight hang himself. So yeah. This isn't my first rodeo. So I just really don't want to be in this life anymore. Si pkease help me. This is a goodbye, hope that you guys don't go through the same thing as me.
Over and out (maybe forever) Caelen.

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