Chapter 18: The Attraction

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Rigby's P.O.V.
So when the 'thing' happened. I was so glad. That was only a week till I was married to Mordecai. But right now. Were only 3 hours till the wedding. I was all dressed in my suit.

My suit was a white dress shirt with a black long sleeve vest. I had a black tie and I even combed my hair. I combed my hair with it so that the top of my hair was turning from side to side. I also had a rose pinned onto my vest. It was your casual suit, but it was a special kind.

This suit was the only one that was sold with a live rose on it. I was waiting for the wedding until all my friends came up to me. I made most of them my groomsmen, so most of them were dressed up. The other ones, came in and hugged me. Then they left. Me and my friends talked until the wedding. Then, after a out five minutes. The paster came in telling us that it was time.

My friends went through the church as I went outside the church and went in the front entrance. I then waited for the wedding to start. I just wanted to get over with. I just wanted to be Mordecai's husband. I then walked down the aisle, watching as hundreds of people were looking at me. I just ignored as I just could hold myself back from crying as I saw as Mordecai walked down the aisle. Mordecai was wearing the same thing as me,but instead of a rose, he had a dandelion. I felt a tear fall onto my face as Mordecai reached me. He then took my arm and then we started with the wedding.


After the wedding, we got our rings back, and then we went to our honeymoon. Where did we go? I don't know. Mordecai has never told me. But I then figured out as we heard our flight as we just entered the airport.

"Flight to France in 5 minutes." The speakers said.

"Thats us." Mordecai said, walking along.

I just was surprised. Mordecai spent 10,000 dollars on just a little trip. I felt tears on my face as we got to the plane. I was scared of planes, with the feeling that it will crash and we were all gonna die. I shut my eyes tightly as we started lifting off. I then felt as Mordecai put his hand on mine, Intertwining our fingers. I opened my slowly as I saw Mordecai gave me a slight smile. I smiled back. I then started to drift to sleep.

When I woke up, we were in the air, probably about halfway until France.

"I hope you'll like it." Mordecai said.

"It's going to be amazing, because I'm spending this time with you." I said as I booped Mordecai's nose.

Mordecai giggled, and then we kissed. We both decided that planes are boring, so we both went to bed. When we woke up, we were in France. We got out of the plane, and out of the airport. There were two bikes sitting there with our name on it. Literally, there were whiteboards on the bikes that said 'Mordecai' and 'Rigby' on it. Mordecai frowned, because, well, he's in a wheelchair.

"Do you just wanna call an Uber?" I asked.

"I guess.." Mordecai said.

Mordecai called an Uber, and they took us straight to the Eiffel Tower. I've always wanted to come here. Epsecially at night.

"This place is so beautiful!" I said as I looked at the lights on the Eiffel Tower as they shined brightly against the water below.

"I hope you enjoy it here." Mordecai said, frowning again because theres's stairs there. I helped him get past the stairs.

"I love it here." I replied.

And I love it even more because I'm with Mordecai.

Mordecai brought me to a bunch of different places, and we slept at a motel. A nice one, will I say.

We've been sleeping here for a couple of days, and I loved it.

We just visited the Musée du Louvre, and we got back to the motel. I was exhausted. Most of the time was helping Mordecai with his wheelchair. But it was still fun!

We were in bed, looking at each other's eyes, when I truely figured out what I truely was in love in Mordecai for.

It wasn't his personality, or his... ahem... dick. I mean don't get me wrong, he's got a nice dick, but I don't only need him for that.

I love Mordecai because he's been there for me when I thought that nobody else has been. He's helped me more times that I've been able to help him. Thats why I love him.

"Goodnight babe." Mordecai said as he kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight." I replied as I closed my eyes.

I can't believe that we've already been married for a couple days now. It feels like we haven't yet, but we already have.

Man the rest of the trip is gonna be fun.

So, I kinda never realized that like, this part was unfinished, so I edited it up until the I then started to drift to sleep part, and the rest is what I just did now. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Stay Strong and Live On!
TheUnholyGod >=3

Forever Together (morby)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz