Chapter 12: The Quitter

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Mordecai's P.O.V
When I left the bathroom, I went downstairs to turn on the PlayStation so that we could play games. I hid a box in my sweatshirt pocket, hiding it from Rigby. You see, I'm thinking about proposing to him hopefully by next week. Rigby finally came downstairs, looking cuter than he's ever been, and sat down on the couch, next to me. "So what game do you want to play?" I asked, laying all of our games on the table. "Lets just play Call Of Duty." Rigby said, picking up the game. I took it, and put it in the console. Then we started to play.

We both know that Rigby sucks at playing Call Of Duty, but he enjoys playing it. After about 2 hours, and 29 loses for Rigby, we decided to go to bed. Rigby looked like he was happy, so that made me smile. I then opened the door to our room, only to shut it right after. The whole room smelled like sex. Well, me and Rigby know why it smells like that, but it smelled disgusting. So we went and slept on the couch.
When I woke up, Rigby wasn't on my chest, like he was when we went to sleep. I thought that he was just out and about awake, so I went back to sleep. When I woke up again, I heard something upstairs. I went up there to see Pops, just running around his room and making things fall.

I then shook my head and started looking for Rigby around the park. I looked everywhere in about like 30 minutes and I didn't find Rigby, so I looked in our house. After about like 2 hours, I still didn't see Rigby anywhere. I then looked in our room, putting my shirt around my nose so that I didn't smell our room. I then went in. I looked on the trampoline, no Rigby. I looked under my bed, no Rigby. I looked in the closet, no Rigby. I then looked in my bed, and found a piece of paper lying there in my bed. I took it and went to the kitchen to read it. Once I got to the kitchen, I flipped the paper, and started reading, or well, before I started reading the note, I grabbed some Febreeze from the cabinet and just downed the bottle in our room. It smelt a lot more better now.

...Dear park employees,
I'm sure that you just got finished looking around the whole park for me. But, don't. Ever since the whole mountain incident, I couldn't stop getting mad. So I did the only thing that I could to take a break. I'm going to be gone for a long while. I just can't take what I could do to you guys. So I'm quitting from the park and restarting my life. Please Don't come looking for me, it will just be a waste of your time. I just couldn't take the future. So i'm sorry everybody, its been fun being a part of the park. And im sorry Mordecai, I love you. And I'm going to miss you. But this is for the best. Bye, and love you all.
After I finished the letter, I felt tears falling down my face. I couldn't believe it. Why would Rigby quit and leave me? What did I do wrong after the incident? I get that he's been having anger issues, he tends to have little fights with something during his sleep, I've witnessed it many times. But, I just couldn't take this any more. I folded the note up and I put it in my pocket. I then ran upstairs to the bathroom, and I grabbed one of the razors that we had. I casually walked back to our room, holding the razor in plain sight. I entered our room, closed the door, and I sat down. I grabbed the razor, tears forming it in my eyes, and I stuck it directly against my wrist.

"Rigby, wherever you are, I hope your doing alright. I'll see you in the next life." I said. And then it happened.

I slit my wrist with the razor, and then I cut, and I cut, and I cut, and I cut, and I cut. I kept on cutting at both of my arms and both of my legs. I cut wherever it was that will end up as a fatal wound. It was 5 minutes before I ended up having to stop, a big pile of blood around me. I laid down on the ground, my back on the floor, and I brought the razor up to my throat. I very faintly heard on the other side of the door,

"Mordecai, Rigby, are you painting your room!"

I never answered his question. Instead, Benson walked right into the room. Just when I was about to slit my throat as well.

Benson had a shocked expression on his face, and I handed him the note that Rigby left for us. Benson read it, and then I made the final attempt, to end it all, to move on. And I cut................

I'm sorry if this was very depressing, just need to get these parts out of the way. Hope your enjoying tho. This was actually really hard to edit as well, so don't think that it was easy to do these!
Stay Strong and Live On!

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