New life for morbyforever1000

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Hello again. I am morbyforever1000, AKA, TheUnhollyGod, known for my famous book Forever Together, a morby ship book I have made years ago. As you know, I put down in my journal a few months ago saying that I will no longer use this account. But a few months later, I decided to look at this account for the nostalgia. I had so many people in my notifications that gave me nostalgia, I literally cried myself to sleep thinking about it. I just wanna say thank you for everything that everybody had done for me. All of the friends, all of the reads, all of everything. Thank you for it. As a prize of that. Other than me using this account again. Drum roll please............. I will offically be posting out a new morby book for you guys to read. now i know what your thinking. I thought you were done with morby and moved on to Undertale. Well, I have. And i've been with Undertale for almost a year, and morby for only 5 months. I wanna let people feel things. Mostly nostalgia. So by the end of the month. expect a book out for me. You might even want to put it down on your calendars. Cause it will be out by 10/29/20 Remind me after a few days about it if i forget to write. But it will be out for everybody to read. My other book Starting Empty Handed, From my other account i use for Undertale and other stuff I do @The_Bisexual_Weirdo Is right now still making another phase of the book. Offically ending it after 10 phases. I know, thats a lot of phases. But I was expecting that book to be in making until i graduate school. So thats like 5 years of writing so yeah. Gotta start somewhere right. I will also be making a Youtube account In a few years. I'll do drums, piano, and writing and drawing if you want to watch my videos. I know that a lot of people will not see this. But the last time I have ever posted on this book was back in May. Which is 5 months ago. So yeah, its been a while. If you would like to talk to me. DM me on Discord TheUnholyGod(Frisk)#8449. And if you want. Maybe even join in a few servers i own. Or i just invite you to a random server. But if you would like to join, not makin ya. But life's been going pretty hard lately. I get on my Undertale account and i check my Discord and yata yata yata. But its nice to just sit down and write whats on my mind. And i know that i might get a few hate comments on this. But thats alright. I have already DM'd all of my old friends on here and tried to get them to respond. Two of them, they were the best friends i have ever had. they were @morbyforever and @trustnooneitrustyou. Morbyforever has stopped using Wattpad, in which case, stopped our friendship because we had nothing else to talk to other than Wattpad. And then Trust, well' Trust and I arne't really on good pages. They deleted their account so I can't even talk to them. But it would be nice if I ran into them one day. This account that I use is so dearly special to me. And i hope that people Understand if I ever overreact over anything, I do that sometimes. But please inform me about the new Morby book. I will spend time thinking of a name for it. I will get it out. And love yall!

Stay strong and live on,

Morbyforever1000, TheUnholyGod

(P.S. that stay strong and live on thing is a refrence I will be using from now on. Its mostly used at the end of a part of a story I will be making. And/or stories already out.)

(P.S.S. I have changed my Discord name, so if you would like to talk to me. My name is noone#1451. Sorry if you wanted to talk to me then. I will mostly immediently answer your anything.)

(P.S.S.S. My Discord name is not any of these anymore. It is now TheUnholyGod(Frisk)#8449 if you were still wondering.)

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