Chapter Eleven

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After the explosion, Everest and Jake were laying down on the ground, bleeding out. Skye was down but she was only bleeding in her paws. She crawled over to Everest and Jake to see if they were okay, but nothing. "Everest! Jake! Come on, we gotta go!" said Skye as she was trying to nudge them awake. But there was no answer, there was no breathing, they were gone just like everyone else.

Skye was all alone, she had nothing left. No friends, no family, she was all alone and there was only one to blame for this. Only one to blame for the hell that she has been put through. And that is none other than Zuma. Skye got back to her feet and she was limping to find Zuma. She saw him by the plane, about to escape and she kept limping towards him.

She made it towards him and she said out loud, "ZUMA!!" He turned around and saw a beaten down Cockapoo staring a hole through his head. "What do I have to do to kill you?!" said Zuma with fury. "Way more." said Skye with no expression. "You were my best friend Skye. I would have thought that you would have agreed with me. Would have been on my side. I can't believe that you would risk your life for the idiots of Adventure Bay!" said Zuma.

"They are not idiots! They are friends, they are family, and it is our job to help anyone who is needed." said Skye. "Yeah. And then I opened my eyes and saw the bigger picture. I was the only one who was able to make sacrifices that the rest of the Paw Patrol couldn't. I broke the friendship between us. I set everyone in Adventure Bay straight when I became the leader. And I killed my one and only owner." said Zuma.

"And that was already unforgivable. But then you decided to end the rest of the Paw Patrol as well." said Skye as she started to get mad. "That's correct. All of them are dead! Marshall, Rubble, Rocky, and Chase." said Zuma with a smirk. "You just won't stop. You won't stop until all of the Paw Patrol is dead, will you?!" said Skye. "You're right. And that's about to happen real quick." said Zuma.

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