Chapter One- The Sharp Sting of Sorrow

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"Aredhel, will you go and fetch Elas? That elfling is probably long gone by now, somewhere lost in the forest," Nana jokes as she sews tiny pearls along the neckline of a new gown she created for me. Her crimson hair falls down her back in a loose braid, with small pieces of hair sticking out around her beautiful face. She resembles a painting as she sits upon the chaise, dressed in a pretty gown of blue. She has the unmistakable glow of pregnancy, and her dress stretches tightly across her swollen stomach.

I close the book I was reading contentedly and smile. "Of course. I am sure he is long gone by now, but I will do my best to find the little adventurer."

I set my book aside, standing and fixing the skirts of my lavender colored dress, and I exit the room. I pass Papa as I am walking to the door, and he looks up at me from inside of his study. His green eyes are filled with love, yet sadness, too, as he appraises me, and his quill ceases movement in his strong hands. "You look so much like your mother today, Aredhel, back when I first met her in Rivendell. She was just as bright and cheerful as you, and it shone from her skin like thousands of diamonds. It was impossible to not love her, just as it is impossible to not love you."

"Papa," I whisper, shocked by the sweet words. "You are too kind. What has you in such a melancholy mood this morning?"

His lips lift slightly for a moment. "I am writing a letter to my brother. He and your aunt wish to see us soon, but Lothlórien is such a long way to travel," he says, trailing off with a sigh.

I shrug. "But the journey would be worth it, yes? Aunt and Uncle have not seen us in quite sometime."

Papa watches me silently for a moment before nodding his head. "You are right, of course. We must make the journey, and soon. These lands grow more dangerous everyday, it seems."

I analyze his expression of worry, and my heart thumps a bit faster in my chest. "Is it really so bad out there? Lord Elrond's magic has always kept his people safe. Would the roads to Lórien really be so dangerous?"

He nods pensively. "I am afraid so. Attacks from orcs have become more prevalent than they were many years ago when we last visited your aunt and uncle. We will have to be very careful."

"Then careful we shall be!" I exclaim with a wide smile, prancing over to him and kissing his cheek. "They will love to see how Elas has grown, and the reunion will lift all of our spirits. There is nothing in this world like Lórien and all of its splendor."

He smiles handsomely, patting my hand that rests upon his cheek. "I believe you are correct. Now go and fetch Elas as your naneth instructed. We must travel into Rivendell today, to the market. We need food."

I roll my eyes as I laugh. "When do we ever have food in this house? With your forgetfulness, we would all starve, Papa!"

He shoos me out of the door with a deep chuckle. "Off with you now!"

As I wander through the trees, a smile rests upon my small lips. My heart is light with happiness and excitement to see our kin and to see Lórien again. I have always hoped that I would meet my soulmate there. To marry and live in that exquisite place would surely bring me nothing but happiness. I would miss Papa, Nana, and Elas terribly, and I would miss Rivendell, as well. But Lothlórien has always been like a second home to me.

A giggle travels through the air some distance away, and my smile grows wider. "Elas, I know you are hiding from me!"

The giggle sounds again, and the unmistakable sound of footsteps weaves its way through the forest, away from me. I lift the skirts of my dress, running after the sound of my little brother's laughter.

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