Chapter Four- A Golden Childhood

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The servant, Ara, braids my scarlet hair down my back as I sit in front of the glass wall of my room that overlooks the majesty of Rivendell. We are immersed in comfortable silence, neither one of us the type to need insignificant discussion. She hums softly every once in a while as I watch with longing as white water rushes over the side of the mountain, forming serene waterfalls. I wish more than anything that I could swim in the pools they form and feel the rushing water on my skin. I want to taste the water on my tongue. I want to sink underneath the pool of water and look up at the sky, watching as bubbles float toward it from my smiling mouth. I want to feel the sun drying my sodden locks of hair until they are as curly as a hobbit's. What would it feel like to lie upon the soft grass and watch the clouds float by leisurely with no cares or sorrows or pain? What would it be like to just forget it all?

My wounds hurt more today than they did upon waking yesterday. My side aches with every breath I take, but I refuse to lie in bed all day. Lying there with nothing to occupy my mind allows terrible thoughts to plague me, and I am tired. I am tired of feeling hopeless and lost. I just hope that soon Lord Elrond will bring pain relief and the salve he spoke of yesterday. I am in desperate need of both.

"All finished, my lady. Is there anything else you would like for me to do?" Ara asks gently from behind.

I shake my head ever-so-slightly with my eyes still trained on the mountains and the trees. "No, that is all. Thank you for everything."

She huffs quietly. "Lady Aredhel, it is not proper for a lady to thank her servant for simply doing her duties."

"I will thank anyone for any task they do for me. That is only proper. If anyone thinks differently, then they do not know respect," I reply, running my hands over the skirts of my dress absentmindedly, "Or kindness."

I admire the gown she clothed me in- how white the material is. It is unstained and pure- the way I was before the orcs attacked my home and tore everything I have ever known and loved away from me. It is the version of me that I desperately wish I still was. 

The long sleeves are sheer, showing my slim arms, and the neckline is a sort of straight across fashion, allowing the tops of my shoulders and collarbones to be free. Pastel flowers are embroidered around the neckline, the very ends of my sleeves, and the hem of the gown. It was obviously made with love and care, and the simplistic beauty of it brings me a bit of happiness. It reminds me of our small garden back home. The garden was neither large nor grandiose, but it was beautiful, nonetheless. Nana's flowers were brightly colored and thriving. She often sat amongst them to read or to write letters to her sister-in-law- my beloved aunt.

"Then you are a very sweet person, my lady, and our world is lacking of them," Ara answers timidly. "I thank you for being so kind to me."

"Are Lord Elrond and his family not kind to you?" I ask her curiously. "I cannot imagine any of them speaking an unkind word to anyone."

"Oh, yes!" she replies immediately, and her umber eyes widen. "They are too kind, just as you are. I was referring to other ladies of the house."

"These other ellith mistreat you?" I ask her with interest, and it hurts to know that someone has mistreated this pure soul.

She shakes her head as her hands wring together nervously. "I really should not speak of such things."

I stare at her for a moment before nodding in acceptance. "If you do not wish to discuss it, I will not push you to do so."

She nods and smiles prettily, showing off her white teeth. "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

I ponder her question for a moment before opening my mouth to reply, but I am cut off as the door is pushed open and a tiny voice echoes throughout the room. "Raaaaaaaah!"

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