Chapter Twenty two-

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My aunt and uncle spent the next few days resting from their journey. Aunt's pregnancy made the long journey even harder, and Lord Elrond has been tending to her and making sure that she and the baby are healthy. I visited them in their room this morning, but Aunt kept falling asleep so I eventually left with the promise of seeing them tomorrow.

Elladan has been with his father all morning in the Healing Wing. Glorfindel and Vesryn went down to the waterfalls for the morning, and Arwen and her mother have been working on the solstice preparations. King Thranduil and his son left with Elrohir after breakfast to look at the newborn colts in the stables.

I have been in Elladan's chambers ever since, fighting against the loneliness that has been trying to weave its way into my mind today. For no apparent reason, I have felt quite gloomy and sad. I guess it is an after effect of losing your family and the life you once had.

My heart longs for a walk through the forest, but such a thing has been prohibited since the incident. I miss long walks through the trees and swims in the streams. I miss chasing Elas. I miss reading to him, cooking with Nana, and gardening with Papa. I miss my family. Now that the newness of my life has begun to wear off, the longing for my old life is beginning to come back.

I should have accompanied Glorfindel and Vesryn to the waterfalls, but I did not feel like it. I have depended on Elladan's presence far too much, but I just cannot force myself to follow anyone else around. I did not feel like helping with the solstice preparations. I did not want to be around King Thranduil today and feel uncomfortable. My aunt and uncle are too tired for company at the moment.

I stand from the chaise, tossing my book to the side. I fling open Elladan's wardrobe, pulling out one of his tunics. I am so tired of this uncomfortable dress I am wearing. All I want is to be cozy and to lie on the chaise or in his bed and relax today. I can feel my mind trying to turn on me again, and I do not want it to happen. I do not want to be in that dark place again.

I untie the back of my dress, looking out of his room at the beautiful mountainside. I admire the rushing waterfalls and all of the greenery surrounding the home as I breathe deeply. I push my dress down my body, kicking it to the side. I stand there for a moment in just my undergarments, staring at the gorgeous blue sky and wishing that it would take away my gloomy thoughts.

Warm hands find my waist, startling me, and Elladan's lips are at my ear as he murmurs, "I did not expect to find you here."

"You scared me," I sigh as my heart calms once again. The heat of his body sinks into my skin as he presses me to himself gently.

He chuckles softly. "Forgive me. I thought you heard me come in."

My cheeks warm up shyly as I realise that I am unclothed. "I am surprised you are touching me when I am wearing such little clothing."

His hands run down my hips slowly, and I struggle to breathe properly. "I have touched you like this. You asked me to, remember?" he defends quietly.

"But I had on my nightgown, so you did not see anything," I remind him. "Plus, I remember you asking me to never beg you to touch me again."

He turns me around in his arms, and I meet his passionate gaze timidly. "I did ask you that. Yet seeing you in my chambers, unclothed, caught me off guard. You are indescribably beautiful. Have I ever told you that?" he asks with a handsome grin.

"I do not remember," I whisper facetiously as his nose brushes mine.

"A shame. I will just have to remind you then."

His lips touch mine, and we are lost in our passion. I run my fingers through his dark hair as he kisses me deeply. His warm hands roam my bare skin, touching me and setting me on fire within. They travel slowly over my hips and backside then roam lower to caress my thighs. All sense leaves me, something that he is too good at doing to me, and I press myself ever closer to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2020 ⏰

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