Chapter Thirteen- High Neck Gowns

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Aredhel's POV

"You are shining, Miss."

I grin at Ara through the mirror. "Thank you."

"Lord Elladan is completely besotted with you. I have never seen him act this way with anyone. He is so lucky to have you, and you are lucky to have him. He could not have been bound with a lovelier female than you," she praises, braiding my thick curls quickly and easily.

"You are too kind! What about you? Have you found your mate?" I question her, analyzing her expression closely.

She blushes deeply, shaking her head. "Oh, no, Miss."

"You fancy someone, though! I can tell," I reply with a cat like smirk that reminds me of Elrohir. "Who is it? Is it the dark haired, brown eyed servant who tends to me sometimes?"

She shakes her head, her face flaming red. "No, definitely not."

"Then who? Please tell me it is not Elrohir!" I exclaim with a laugh.

"I know the twins too well to ever fancy them," she remarks with a laugh.

"Then who? I swear not to tell!"

"You will laugh at me for being just as silly as all of the other ellith in Rivendell," she mumbles miserably.

I gasp. "Glorfindel?" I question, and she says nothing, "Glorfindel! Oh my goodness, Ara, I would never make fun of you for fancying him."

"Do not pity me," she says, holding up her hand, "His mate is passed, and he will never open his heart to romance again. I know this, but I cannot help but feel attracted to him. He is glorious."

We both giggle like elflings. "He is, is he not?" I drawl, running my hands down my dress skirts to smooth them. "I can understand. Glorfindel is stunning, like a celestial being. His mate was very lucky."

"You have seen him on the practice fields then?" she assumes, and we break into a fit of giggles.

Someone clears their throat, and I turn to see Elladan leaning against the door frame, amusement in his eyes. Elrohir stands behind him, peering inside with a wicked smirk.

"Ara, I did not know you had such dirty thoughts about Glorfindel," Elrohir purrs, stepping inside after his twin.

Her face turns as red as my hair, and I step in to defend her. "Do not tease her, 'Ro, and do not tell Glorfindel. A lady is allowed to have private thoughts."

Elladan takes my hand in his as Ara finishes my hair, and I stand, allowing him to pull me in and kiss my temple. "You have private thoughts of Glorfindel?" he asks lowly, and I meet his gaze.

Elrohir laughs loudly.

"No, I have private thoughts of you," I whisper to him. "I was merely agreeing that Glorfindel is quite handsome, and I can understand why she fancies him."

"I do not think you called him quite handsome," Elrohir says, grinning, and he clasps his hands together and mimics a high pitched voice, "Oh, Ara! Glorfindel is more beautiful than a celestial being. I sometimes dream of him lowering that big, strong body between my-"

Glorfindel coughs as he appears at the door to my chambers, crossing his arms and leaning against the doorframe with a lazy smirk. "I never knew you felt that way about me, Elrohir. I will have to decline your invitation, though," he says, sending a small wink my way as I laugh, "But I would gladly take the lovely Ara or Aredhel up on such a deal any day."

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