Chapter Fifteen- Jam Smeared Smiles

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Aredhel's POV

Neither Thranduil nor his son attended supper their first night here. In fact, I saw nothing of them for the next five days. Legolas was still feeling ill from his brush with death, and his father stayed by his side, afraid to leave him for long.

I admit, I was curious to lay eyes upon the elf prince. The ellith in town always giggled when speaking of him. They would gush about his striking blue eyes, friendlier than those of his father's, and his golden hair that rivaled Glorfindel's. He was said to have a very exceptional personality, with not a single ounce of cruelty in his pure soul.

I wanted to see if those rumors were true. Surely, after having met his snobbish, uppity father, he could not be so kind as everyone says. Yet, Elladan and Elrohir spoke of him with nothing but praise and love. He was a brother to them, just as Galahan had been when he was alive.

Elladan has been stuck in many meetings and patrols. I have barely seen him the past several days, yet he was always there when I awoke, scooping me into his arms as I cried long into the night. 

Elladan's arms encircle my waist from behind as I look over my reflection in my chamber's extravagant floor-length mirror. His lips brush my ear as he looks me over as well. "You look heavenly," he sighs, pressing himself against my back.

I take in his appearance, admiring the way his ebony hair falls down his back unbound, a simple silver circlet resting above his brows. The points of his ears poke out from beneath his beautiful hair, practically begging for my lips to caress them. His silver tunic is left with three buttons undone, showing a bit of his chest, and I briefly wonder if he does that just to tempt me. His legging-clad legs are hidden behind my trailing white gown, but I mentally admire the way they always cling to his muscular legs that I long to run my hands over.

"You do, as well," I reply distractedly as he reaches up to caress the circlet he gave me. Ara placed it upon my head with a satisfied smirk this morning, styling my curls to compliment it, and I knew then that the circlet has more significance than just scaring off unwanted suitors. It binds me to him publicly.

"You are wearing it," he whispers, furrowing those thick brows as he tries to hold back his emotions.

"You thought I would not?" I question him in surprise, turning in his arms to look up at him.

"I gifted it to you several days ago," he says, and I can see the hurt and insecurity in his eyes as it flickers there for half a second before disappearing entirely. "I thought I had pushed you too far."

I roll up onto my toes, placing a kiss at the corner of his lips, and I hold him there for a moment before releasing him. "I did not know you felt that way," I tell him as guilt pours into my chest. "It means so much to me. I did not want to wear it casually and risk breaking it."

His unsure expression morphs into one of pure love as he smiles. "Ar, I want you to wear it always. If it were to break, I would have another made for you."

I shake my head. "This one is special. It will always hold the sweetest memories," I explain to him, caressing his cheek.

His warm grey eyes search mine before he leans in, kissing my nose and eliciting a small laugh from my lips. "After breakfast, let us go to the waterfalls," he suggests.

Warmth pools into my lower stomach at the tone he uses and the way he traces my lips with his fingers. "What will I swim in? My dress?" I ask him.

He lifts his brows, giving me a suggestive smirk, and I smack his arm. He laughs boyishly, pressing a hard kiss to my temple. "I will ask Arwen to lend you a pair of her riding leggings. You can borrow one of my tunics."

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