Chapter Sixteen- The Waterfalls

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Elladan leads me to the stables after we stop by his chambers to fill a bag with extra clothes and undergarments for us to change into after swimming. His smile takes my breath away everytime he looks me and squeezes my hand. He is practically bursting with joy today, happy to be spending time with me alone. I cannot blame him. Just thinking of us being alone together at the waterfalls fills my stomach with butterflies.

He guides me into a large white building, steering me through the many different stalls of horses. Many elves stop and bow to us with bright smiles, happy to see the young lord of Rivendell. Elladan is sweet to them all, taking time to speak with them like they are close friends. I admire him as he does, my heart bursting with pride. I was gifted with the most caring, genuinely kind mate, and I could not be more thankful for him.

Elladan stops in front of a huge, midnight black horse whose muscles ripple with every movement it makes. I recognize him as Elladan's mount Onas. I step closer to my mate in order to run my fingers over the horse's snout. It snorts, nuzzling my hand, and I cannot contain my grin. I plunge my fingers into his mane, laughing brightly as he nudges my shoulder affectionately.

"Onas, you are beautiful," I tell him, and he snorts again, clearly enjoying my praise.

"He is fat and spoiled," Elladan murmurs under his breath, and I turn to grin at him. His shining eyes are already rested upon me.

"He is not! He is absolutely stunning," I reply, still smiling. "I love him."

"Would you rather ride him? I can get a different horse if you-"

"-No, 'Dan! This horse belongs to you. I will choose another," I tell him amusedly.

I kiss Onas on the head tenderly before strolling slowly through the stables, searching for a horse who speaks to my soul. I pass a beautiful white female, another black giant, and several others of all different colors before spotting a gray mare, speckled as if Eru splattered paint upon it when creating the gorgeous creature.

"This one. Who is this?" I ask Elladan quietly, reaching for its snout.

She nuzzles my hand sweetly, and Elladan's hand appears in front of me, stroking the horse as well. His body is warm against my back, and I close my eyes for a moment, relishing in our closeness.

"This is Nymrodel," he says softly, and his voice is right at my ear, sending chills across my skin. "I knew you would choose her."

"And how would you know that?" I ask him with a laugh, glancing to him to see that he is a mere breath away from me.

"I know you," he replies simply, eyes crinkling with a smile.

"Well, apparently you do. I want to ride this one," I reply almost breathlessly, and he presses a kiss to my neck before pulling away.

"Alright, let me get a saddle and-"

"-That won't be necessary. I ride bareback."

He stares at me for a moment, a smile pulling at his lips as he appraises me.

His intense gaze makes me shift awkwardly. "What?"

"'Tis nothing," he says after a moment, and I notice the way his gaze dips down my body, surely wondering how I will ride in this dress.

I guide the horse from the stall, talking to her the entire way. "Hello, Nymrodel. I am Aredhel. I promise to be gentle with you. Lord Elladan and I wish to help you stretch your legs, that is all."

"Are you talking to the horse, Ar?" Elladan asks from in front of me, and he glances back at me with a small smirk.

"Are you teasing me, Elladan?" I sniff, trying to hide my own smile, but my lips break into a grin as he chuckles deeply.

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