Chapter Twenty- The Golden Warrior

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"First, never underestimate your opponent."

I stare at Glorfindel nervously as he paces in front of me, swinging his practice blade around skillfully. I stand in front of him in my new fighting leathers that Elladan had made for me. They fit me exceptionally well, clinging to every dip and curve of my feminine form. Paired with my new brown boots, I look like a member of the Guard. If only I was as fit and skilled in combat as a Guard member...

When I stepped from behind my changing screen this morning, Elladan's hooded gaze told me he very much approved of my new clothes. The kiss that followed proved it. He took in every inch of my appearance, trying to not appear affected by it as he braided my hair back for me. As I left my chambers for my lesson with Glorfindel, Elladan did not seem happy to have me on the practice fields dressed the way that I am, but he let me go regardless.

Glorfindel made me run this morning. Even though I was slow, he remained by my side patiently and encouraged me everytime I wanted to stop. I was breathing as heavily as a dragon, but the Golden Warrior did not even break a sweat. He led me down many foot trails, through meadows, and even a little ways into the forest. When we arrived back at the practice fields, I collapsed on the grass without shame. Glorfindel told me I did well, but I cursed at him mentally for making me run like that, even though deep down I was grateful to him.

"Second, never overestimate yourself," he states as he stops in front of me. "Even the greatest of warriors will make mistakes sometimes, and mistakes lead to injury or death. Pride kills a man quicker than a sword."

I nod, knowing that pride will not be a problem for me. Confidence definitely will be.

"One of the most important parts of sword fighting is self-defense. I will show you how to parry different attacks. Knowing how to defend yourself will save your neck in a battle, especially when you are outnumbered."

He takes my hand, raising my sword horizontally above my head. "This will protect you from an overhead strike and absorb most of the force of the attack. Keep your sword at a good distance from your head. If it is too close and the enemy is stronger, it will knock your blade right into your head," he explains as he places my arm right where it needs to be. He gives me small smile. "Good."

He then places my hand to where the sword is extended out and away from the right of my body. "This will protect you from attacks coming from left to right," he explains, and then swings my arm across the front of my body, "and this will block attacks coming from the opposite direction."

"You can think of attacks as a sort of diamond shape. You slash from top to bottom or bottom to top vertically. You can attack your opponent horizontally as well," he says, running the tip of his sword over my stomach as if he is cutting me open. "And of course, diagonal attacks are used in addition to these. You never want to become predictable with your attacks. It will get you killed."

I snort. "It sounds like I will get killed no matter what I do."

He chuckles. "You had no prior training before fighting those orcs, yet here you are standing in front of me, alive and well," he says. "I believe you will be a great fighter. Everyone must start from the beginning."

I smile at him, happy with his praise. "I hope you will not be disappointed."

"You could never disappoint me," he states softly, and his eyes search mine for a moment before he turns serious again.

He teaches me more defensive moves as he slowly goes through the motions of attacking me. He gives me so many corrections, I wonder how he thinks I will ever remember them, yet he is so patient with me. He does not yell or get angry when I do something wrong. With me, he is the complete opposite of what he is when he is with the twins or any of the other ellyn who train under him. He does not treat me less than because I am a female. I am his equal.

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