Chapter Three- Pretty Gowns and Flower Crowns

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My eyes open slowly, revealing a room that is bathed in soft, ethereal light. I breathe deeply, feeling a sharp pain in my side that nearly knocks the breath out of me. I lie very still, waiting for the pain to pass, and I squeeze my eyes shut tightly. After a few moments, I can breathe again, and my eyes flutter open.

I turn my head slightly, panting as I take in the sight of the room around me. I am lying in a very large, plush bed with sheets that are the purest of white in color. A golden headboard looms above me, carved with such breathtaking beauty to replicate vines twisting together. It is real, beautiful gold, not the cheap paint my mother and father used to decorate the old trunk of toys in my bedroom before I was born.

Glass lines the far end of the room instead of a solid wall, leading to some sort of balcony. The glass doors are open, allowing me to hear the rich sounds of nature with my sharp, elven hearing. Birds sing their innocent melodies to all who listen, and the wind blows through the trees, causing their leaves to shiver upon the branches. The forest beyond is the most magnificent sight I have ever beheld, even more beautiful than Loríen- dare I admit it. The trees are a rich green, contrasting sharply with the gray mountainside and the crystalline, blue waters of rushing waterfalls. The sound of the waterfalls hitting their magical pools sends a powerful feeling of peace throughout my veins. The sight is heavenly, bringing tears to my eyes with its natural splendor.

A hand carved nightstand sits beside the bed, holding a large pitcher of water and an empty drinking glass. My throat burns with need, but I know that I cannot get up in this state. Instead of attempting to move, I allow my gaze to trail over the night stand's incredible artwork. A garden scene is hand carved into the wood, with flowers and vines and birds accented with gold details. An elven woman kneels in the center, her dress pooled around her, and her hands are cupped in front of her, holding a small wren. Her hair is golden, as if created from the sun.

I absentmindedly run my palms over the silky blankets that lie over me, noticing for the first time that I have been clothed in an ivory nightgown. The material is as soft as the bedding I lie upon. It is clearly made from the highest quality fabric, and it is short, falling just above my knees and allowing me to not feel quite so hot and uncomfortable as I would in a full-length nightgown.

I turn my head to the right, and my heart skips a beat in surprise. A familiar elf sits in a chair close to my bed, his face peaceful in sleep. His long, ink-black hair falls around his face and shoulders- still slightly damp from a bath. His dark lashes are a sharp contrast to his porcelain skin. His pink lips are small and pouted in sleep.

I take in every detail of him that I can while he lies there unaware. I know the second those eyes fall upon me, I will be a blushing mess and unable to look at him.

He wears a silver tunic made of silk, with black trousers and light weight boots. His deep, sapphire robes are left unbuttoned as they hang around his shoulders. The top of his tunic is left unlaced as well, the small v shape showing off a bit of his chest. Even with all of these layers on, I can tell that he is well-muscled, yet lean. He is truly a sight to behold.

My affectionate gaze travels to the silver circlet resting above his thick, untamed brows. Is my mate a prince?

I close my eyes. A strange, yet familiar feeling of warmth flickers in my chest as I lie in bed, trying to understand what has happened. A memory resurfaces of gray eyes and a tender touch, bringing forth those passionate feelings I felt when he looked at me. I can almost feel his dark hair brush against my cheek again, the way it did as he lifted me from the forest floor. I feel his touch on my neck once again. Somehow, deep within my heart, I know he is my mate. I can feel his presence inside of me, so warm and comforting. His soul hums within mine.

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