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Sorry guys I couldn't update yesterday I was too exhausted, plus I had a sleepover with my girls. They are currently knocked out, I hope you guys can understand.


We arrived at a small cave that we had decided to take shelter in. Well, it was more of a indent in the mountain than any cave, I've ever seen. I usually sit beside Kili and Fili, though I decided to switch it up, taking a seat next to Thorin. He glanced up at me before turned his gaze away, as I sat down beside him. He had faintest a blushes, which in fact blended with the light of the fire. While Kili and Fili grumbled away, in disappointment, probably disappointed that I didn't sit next to them like always.

Smiling gently as I leaned against the rough texture of rocky surface, behind me. Though it was uncomfortable, though I am used to it. I used to 'escape' from the castle I called home, alone of course. To go on adventures, or to just go and visit dear friends close to me, in secret. I close my eyes, not fully asleep, only to open one of eyes. Hearing the orc packs  call out, screams..

While Kili and Fili have the greatest idea of teasing my poor hobbit. Right in front of Thorin too, knowing full well of his history with orcs. It's like they're asking to be scolded. I shake my head in disapproval, as the twins laughed and chuckled at the upset expression of Bilbo. I look to Thorin as he tries to stand up, I put my hand on his shoulder. Looking at him with pleading eyes.

"Don't be too hard on them.." I whispered in his ear, as I leaned close. He then whispers back not before giving out a small cough.

"You can't keep doing this Y/n, they need to learn." I avert my eyes from his gaze looking down, as I take my hand back. Resting it on the stone floor, as he walks up to the front to scold them.

"You think that's funny? You think a night raid by orcs is a joke?"

"We didn't mean anything by it..." Kili responds, as he fails to keep eye contact with his uncle. I sigh, as I watch the scene unravel before me.

"No you didn't, you know nothing of the world." Thorin responds back coldly as he walks out, to the edge. Staring into the beyond, the landscapes, the sky, the moon. As the wind blows across his face gently, as his face held a stern and cold hard look.

"Don't mind him laddie, Thorin has more reason than most, to hate orcs. After, the dragon took the Lonely Mountain, King Thrór tried to reclaim, the ancient dwarf kingdom of Moria, but our enemy got there first." As Balin informs us. Though I know the tale, the whole story, each detail. Though, how could I wasn't there to protect them, but it doesn't mean I wasn't watching over them. The bloodshed, the slaughtering that came with the fight.

"Of all their race, Azog the Defiler. The giant of Gundabad, had sworn to wipe out the line of Durin. He began by beheading the King. Thráin,Thorin's father was driven mad, by grief. He went missing, taken as prisoner, or killed, we did not know. We were leaderless, defeat and..death were upon us. That is when I saw him, a young dwarf prince facing down the pale orc.

Who stood alone, by this terrible foe. His armor went, wielding nothing but an open branch as a shield. Azog the Defiler learned that day, that the line of Durin wouldn't be so easily broken.." I tilt my head to the side, knowing full well, that I could of helped them and I didn't. So why aren't they mad at me, at my kingdom, why don't they hate me?

"Our forces rallied and drove the orcs back. Our enemy had been defeated, but there was no feast, nor song that night, for our dead was beyond the count of grief. We few had survived and I thought to my self then, there is one I can follow, there is one I can call King." Bailin said finishing his story. As currently all the dwarves who were once sleeping, were now standing. Looking upon their King, as he turned around to face us all. Though I couldn't bare to look him in the eye, why doesn't he blame me?

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