[6] finally i can be the comedian i've always dreamed to be

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New York at night when you're not on a mission to find a youth hostel with a dead phone and lack of idea is truly something else. The sky is a reaching abyss of darkness, but a completely different story falls into place on the ground. Skyscrapers ooze light and screens boasting new songs and upcoming events throw everything into a kind of turmoil between light and dark. Day and night.

My worn converse trace the tarmac determinedly, as I rush to keep up with the others' long legs. Only Penny and Jackson join my race as they, too, are unreasonably short. The cold day has fallen into a probably pollution-induced warm night as many others like us seek entertainment.

"Come on, guys!" Lucy's voice breaks our chattered conversations as she leads us down a side alley to a rustic bar looking out over the East River. The security guard greets her and the others before giving me a side look as we step up the two brick steps and into the open door.

Music brings me back to the night I got a boyfriend and Noah's voice sends a pang through my chest like a knife. I think about calling him, but decide it'll only dm my mood, and Lucy would never like that. The girl's a party animal. Literally.

"Kenny!" Her voice pulls me over to where she's sat at the bar, a shot in each hand. I don't know much about partying, but that seems a bit much a bit early. Confirming my point is the laughing Derek sporting a beer as he tries to pry the alcohol from her fisted hands.

"Derek, calm you tits man." She says to him, and I know she's not drunk. We've been here all of five minutes and from what I've heard, she's got the alcohol tolerance of a three-hundred pound bodybuilder. So, it seems highly unlikely that she'd get drunk from two shots.

I walk over to her and ask the barman for two more shots. He doesn't ask for my I.D which outs me at ease since the legal drinking age in the USA is twenty-one, and I'm seventeen. I hand them to her and she releases the grip on the other two, sending their contents over Derek's luckily black t -shirt. He scowls, and she laughs before ruffling her hair. I'm aware of a person behind me as Aaron approaches my side, holding what looks like a weird mixture of many drinks.

"What's that?" I ask, and he gives it to me. Hesitantly, I raise it to my lips and sip. The burning liquid sears my throat and I hand it back to him, coughing.

"This, my little lady, is the Aaron Genocide. They named it after me." He swigs it in one swift movement, "Gin, vodka and whisky."

Even my little knowledge of alcohol knows that could send you to the hospital if you drink too much, too quick.

"I see why it's called the Genocide." I say, nodding and fanning my still burning tongue. He chuckles and raises his glass, which I fist-bump. This makes him raise an eyebrow before turning and joining Derek. My very English self asks for a Coke, and the barman looks confused. He did, after all, just watch me buy to vodka shots and try a drink named after mass death. I take a huge gulp of the drink, and my eyes go back in pleasure.

I never was one for alcohol.


The aftermath was something to be seen only on T.V. As three a.m rolled around, I had a Lucy attached to my arm, I myself was drunk on a few bottles of beer and Penny was just completely out of it. The boys, however, were all hammered. Except for Aaron who only drank one of his genocides and then laid off the alcohol for the rest of the night. I spot Derek sat cross-legged on the ground, making faces to the plant. An excited squeal escapes my mouth as I flop down next to him, and he giggles with me.

"Hey, have you guys seen Rose?" Aaron asks, walking over to us. I point to his nose.

"You inhaled her!" I yell accusingly. He just pats my head and walks away.

After about ten minutes of Derek and me making faces at each other and giggling, Aaron hauls us both off the ground.

"Time to go, children." He says, with a Lucy on his back and Penny with Jackson poking each other and finding it hilarious. I grin, and start poking Aaron's abs. He jumps back at first before smirking and ruffling my hair.

"You idiot." Are the words I hear leave his mouth before I fall asleep. Right there, in his grasp.

What. An. Imbecile.


This is a filler chapter okay, don't come at me because it's short and weird. 😊

K bye...

Innocent MurderersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora