Nick Spent is back!

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MJ, Peter, and Ned where walking down the streets of Brooklyn. They had been window shopping in New York when they had somehow got lost, and now they were here. Back at Peters old stomping grounds you could say.

Peter was getting nervous around all the things he found so familiar. He and Tony had gone down there before, as suggested by his therapist, but he still didn't like going down there.

Peter was nervous someone would come up to him. It had happened before. But this time he was with his friends. And his friends didn't know anything about what happened.

Peter noticed some people whispering and pointing at them.

"Guys I don't like this. People are pointing at us." Ned said nervously.

"Probably just because we aren't from these parts." Peter knew it was the opposite. After he had been adopted by Tony and Pepper, word got around that the ghost in black had disappeared once and for all. Moving on to his next city. There were other rumors he was part of a bigger gang, and that's why he didn't join anyone else's. Others said he was uncover as a cop, but people didn't believe that. Peter was too young to be a cop.

Peter was itching to show them the way out and just run, but he couldn't act like he knew his way around.

That's when Peter heard it. They were passing an ally when there was a cry.
"Silver Crow!"
Peters instincts kicked in. He might not be down there anymore, but he would always be part of the crow.

"Peter what are you doing?!" MJ shouted as he ran into the ally. There was a girl a bit older than Peter, in a choke hold, but a much older man.

Peter jumped into action, punching the man in the gut. Soon there was another boy next to Peter, who was beating up the man as well. After a minute the man scurried away.

The girl who was on the ground looked up at them with fear, " Thanks... I am the crow."

Peter nodded, watching the girl run off.

MJ and Ned looked at Peter in awe.

Then Peter looked over at the boy next to him, just as the boy did the same.

Immediately the two boys face lit up.

"Eli Black?!"

"Nick Spent?!"

Both the boys laughed, and hugged each other.

When they parted, Nick looked at Peter with awe, " People said you were gone for good! I thought your foster home had taken you!"

Peter smiled, " I was found, by a... family friend, who adopted me. I'm finally free! ... are you still with your uncle?"

"No, I moved in with my older brother and his wife. It's good, they're really nice, but we still live in Brooklyn. I was just passing by when I heard the call."

Peter nodded, "Once a Crow kid always a Crow kid."
The boys continued to talk, until MJ interrupted, " Um, Peter? What is this?!"

Nick smiled, then held out his hand, " So your real names Peter. I'm Jake. You can keep calling me Nick though... it's like he's..."

Peter finished what Jake was going to say, " Part of me. I get it. For the first week or so I didn't even respond to Peter because at my foster house he never called me by name."

Nick- or Jake nodded, " So who are the newbies?"

Peter looked over at Ned and MJ, who were both thoroughly confused. "They aren't part of the crow. They're actually just my friends from school... they kinda don't know anything about all this." Jake raised his eyebrows, "Oh. Well I suppose you have some explaining to do. They don't even know who I am."

Peter smiled, " Well I might have mentioned I made a friend when I was in 'Pennsylvania'." He air quoted Pennsylvania.

Jake smiled, "We should hang out some time, you know, out of all the crow stuff."

Peter nodded, " You could come over to my house. I'm sure my dad wouldn't mind."

Ned coughed a little. Peter looked over at the two. He frowned, " Yeah, I have to go. Here's my number if you want to hang out.. or if you ever need to talk..."

Jake nodded grabbing the slip of paper from Peter, " Thanks. For everything. You know you kept me going... when I was with my uncle. Even on the darkest days."

Peter nodded with a slight smile, " The crow lives on."

Jake nodded, " Always."

And they went there separate ways, ending on a sad note.

MJ looked at Peter, when they had started walking again, " Um, care to explain?" Ned nodded in agreement.

But Peter didn't want to explain. It was different with Jake. He got it. He understood and they could talk about it together. Ned and MJ would never know what he had been through. They thought his scars were from some glass hitting his neck. They didn't even know about the scars under his shirt.

"I don't want to talk about it." Peter said looking away.

"But you were talking about whatever with that random guy!" Ned protested.

"That's because he could understand! You will never understand! You aren't a Crow kid."

Ned and MJ seemed taken aback by Peters harsh tone.

"We're just concerned for you Peter." MJ said.

Finally Peter replied, " You don't know about my scars okay. You don't know about how some foster homes really are. You don't know how bad it can be.... you don't know what a knife against your neck feels like- or a gun to your head. That was every day for me. Every day I was with Mr. Johnson. Everyday after school he forced me to go out and deliver drugs to people. Or money, or even guns. He forced me to, other wise he would kill me and both of you. He beat me when I messed up. He told me I was worthless and I owed my life to him. So me and Nick made a pact, when we met each other. All the kids who were being forced into this, like us, could be part of the silver crow. We had codes and things we would yell in case one of us was in trouble, like the girl back there. And when Mr. Johnson and I 'moved' we actually didn't, he just used it as an excuse to take me out of school so I could deliver all day. So, yeah, that's why I didn't want to talk about it."

MJ and Ned looked guilty, " Peter we're so sorry- I didn't-." Peter cut off MJ, " It's fine, you didn't know. It's just hard to talk about."

After a minute Ned spoke up, " So your scar..."

"Slashed with a knife. Not the only scar I have. I wear concealer to cover the one on my face, and my shirt covers the rest."  Peter wiped the makeup off his face to reveal a long scar down his right eye and cheek.

Ned and MJ gasped.

" Another knife- in a struggle to get away."

MJ spoke up, " Peter does Tony know about this?"

Peter nodded, " He was the one who found me."

Ned and MJ couldn't seem to process this.

"That's also why I don't like hugs. I can never tell if your trying to hurt me or not."

MJ and Ned would get used to it. Someday. Someday.

A/N: Okay I don't know if that was good or not but there you have it! I don't know if there will be any extra chapters but I'll probably think of something else to add. Maybe something with Flash being stupid. K byyyyyye. :))

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