Prologue - Loss and Tragedy

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In all of Atmos, the Cyclonian Empire wages war in all of Atmos. Master Anarchis rules the Cyclonian Empire with an iron fist. Her rule has made her many enemies, even among those in her own family. Anarchis's daughter Alceme is a pacifist and wishes to keep her daughter Lark away from the darkness that comes with ruling Cyclonia. Alceme does her best to raise her daughter. One day, Lark plays with her childhood friend Jeyne in a meadow. 

Jeyne: Come on Lark! Keep up!

Lark: I am! I am! 

The two five year old girls run around the fields. After hours of playing, Alceme comes to the fields to pick up her daughter. The two girls run up to Alceme. Lark hands her mother a flower she found in the field.

Lark: Momma! Momma! Look what I found! Isn't it pretty?!

Alceme: Yes it is Lark! Run along Jeyne! Your mother must be worried!

Jeyne: I will! See you tomorrow Lark!

Lark: Bye Jeyne! 

Lark then hopped on her mother's back as they both returned to the Cyclonian Palace. When night fell, Alceme tucked in her daughter as she kissed her forehead.

Lark: Momma? Will you sing me the lullaby again?

Alceme flashed a warm smile as she sat on the next next to her daughter. They both looked at the stars from her bedroom window. 

Alceme(Singing): Summer Star, Why are you so red. Because, I had a sad dream last night. My eyes are red from the tears I've shed. Swollen as I cried. Summer Star, Why've you lost your way I'm searching for a child whose gone afar. She can't be found, though I've searched all day. My sad dreams come once more. Summer Star, I hope you could stay, but I know you must go once more. Do not weep a single tear, for I will always be with you, my little Summer Star. 

As Alceme sings the lullaby, Lark drifts to a peaceful sweep. As she sleeps, she is woken by her mother frantically entering her room.

Lark: Momma?

Alceme: Lark! 

As she said that, Rebel Talons broke through the door with Crystal Swords drawn. Lark doesn't understand what's going on.

Lark: Momma? What's going on? 

Alceme: Stay behind me Lark! Everything is going to be all right!

Rebel Talon: Death to Anarchis! Death to Cyclonia!

The Rebel Talon lunged at Alceme and pulled her hair. Lark rushes to the Talon and begins hitting his leg, but doesn't effect him. 


The Talon throws Alceme to the ground as he slaps Lark, sending her to the ground.

Rebel Talon: Little bitch!

Lark felt crippling fear as the Talon moves closer to kill her. Before he could, Alceme attacks the Talon. 


As she pleaded to her daughter, the Talon stabbed Alceme in the chest with the Crystal Sword. He then kicks her off the bed, sending her body at the foot of Lark.

Lark: M......Momma......

As the Talon moved in on her, Lark was frozen in fear. The Talon moved on her and noticed her purple eyes suddenly changed to red eyes with three tomoe. 

Rebel Talon: The hell is up with your eyes?

Before the Rebel Talon could attack, he is lifted by an unknown force as his arms, legs and head is twisted as the bones crack. He lets out a bloodcurdling scream as he dies. Lark looks behind the man to see her grandmother Master Anarchis standing with her staff.

Lark: G.....grandma!

Lark then runs to her dead mother and attempts to wake her.

Cyclonis: M.....Momma......come on. Wake up! Please Momma! Wake up! Wake up! 

As she realizes that her mother was dead, tears began to stream down Lark's eyes as she grieves for her mother. Master Anarchis walks towards her grieving granddaughter and notices her eyes. 

Master Anarchis: (She's awakened the Sharingan. Perhaps this child will be a worthy successor!) 

Master Anarchis extends her hand to the grieving Lark. She begins seeing the world in a different way. She saw massive streams of life energy moving through her grandmother.

Lark: Grandma? My eyes.....

Master Anarchis: You've awakened the Sharingan. The secret power of our bloodline. 

Hours later, Master Anarchis arranges a funeral for her daughter Alceme. All of Terra Cyclonia was there for the funeral. They all place flowers on her grave. Lark sees her best friend Jeyne mourning in the crowd. After the funeral, Master Anarchis has Lark meet her in the throne room. 

Master Anarchis: Your mother's death allowed you to awaken a great power that runs in our family. I will train you to control it's great power.

Lark remained silent as she was still grieving for her mother.

Master Anarchis: Your eyes have the potential to become the most powerful in all of Cyclonia! One day, you will inherit my throne and all of Cyclonia! It will be up to you to conquer all of Atmos!

As Lark nodded at the words, all she could think about was the gaping hole in her heart that her mother left behind. She would no longer had the loving and caring childhood that her mother provided. It would be replaced with the harsh and unforgiving training that her grandmother would provide to train her in not only to control her Sharingan, but to also grooming her to one day rule Cyclonia and ultimately conquer all of Atmos.

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