Chapter Five - Battle Of The Eyes

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As Master Cyclonis cornered Danzo, he began unwrapping the bandages in his right arm. Cyclonis kept her eye on him.

Danzo: Here you are, Master Cyclonis. 

Master Cyclonis: I hope you've made peace with yourself Danzo, for you are about to die! 

As Cyclonis let out her threat, Danzo remains silent as he unwrapped his arm, revealing ten Sharingan in his right arm.

Danzo: Your threat ends today, Cyclonis! 

Master Cyclonis: Do you really think these pale imitations will match up against the true Sharingan?! Pathetic!

Danzo: You are correct. The Sharingan in my arm are imitations, but the power they possess is still formidable. But perhaps your eyes will prove useful to me. 

Danzo then charged at Cyclonis and attempts to punch her, but Cyclonis activates her Susanoo, blocking the attack. As the Susanoo forms, it grabs Danzo in it's large fist.

Master Cyclonis: I expected more out of you. 

Danzo: For the good of Atmos, I will put an end to your empire. The threat of the Uchiha will never.....

But before Danzo could finish, Cyclonis commands the Susanoo to crush Danzo into a bloody pulp.

Master Cyclonis: You talk too much, old man. 

Danzo: I see.....

Upon hearing that voice, Cyclonis turns around to see Danzo behind her. He attacks her with his Crystal Blade, but the Susanoo was able to block the attack.

Danzo: Just as I thought....the Susanoo. That splendid armor to protect yourself with. 

Cyclonis then uses the Susanoo to slam it's fist onto Danzo, but he dodges the attack.

Danzo: And the power in it's attack is incredible. 

Cyclonis then charges at Danzo with the Susanoo. When she gets close to him, she uses Amaterasu to engulf Danzo in black flames. As she watches his body burns. Moments later, Cyclonis deactivates her Susanoo and Danzo launches an offensive at her. Cyclonis uses her Crystal Staff to levitate a  chunk of debris and hurls it at Danzo, seemingly killing him.

Danzo: Is that the best you can do? 

Danzo appears right behind her and grabs her by the neck. Cyclonis then looks at Danzo's eye and puts him in an illusion. Cyclonis's body suddenly turns into a murder of crows. Danzo turns around to see Master Anarchis standing in front of him. 

Danzo: Anarchis. I must say I give you credit for placing me under an illusion, but it will not be enough.

Danzo broke free of the illusion just as Cyclonis readies her Crystal Staff.

Master Cyclonis: I'm impressed Danzo. Not many live this long against me. 

Cyclonis then looks at Danzo's arm. She sees that three of the Sharingan in his arm are closed. She decides to test a theory. 

Danzo: As I said before, your threat ends here!

Danzo then charges at Cyclonis, but she activates her Susanoo. She commands it to shoot an arrow at Danzo impaling him. His body then disappears. Cyclonis begins to count to herself. After 60 seconds, Danzo appears and attacks her. Cyclonis then chuckles.

Master Cyclonis: What's going to happen when the rest of the Sharingan are closed? I killed you four times so far! I only have to kill you six more times and then you'll die for good. To think that even a pale imitation can use the power of Izanagi! 

As Cyclonis pointed that out, Danzo looks to his arm and see four of the Sharingan on his arm closed from using Izanagi. He soon realizes the situation turn against him.

Danzo: So you figured it out? I'm impressed. I see that this battle will be one of the eyes. (I have to end the fight as soon as possible! I can't afford to let this battle drag on!)

As Danzo surveys the situation, Cyclonis begins coughing blood. Her vision becomes slightly blurry. The Susanoo degreades.

Master Cyclonis: (Damn it! vision......)

Danzo: (There's my chance!)

Danzo then charges at Cyclonis as the Susanoo completely degraded. The two engaged in an intense fight with the intent of ending the fight as quickly as possible. With her Sharingan still activate, she was able to land one fatal blow after another, forcing Danzo to use Izanagi. When Danzo gained distance he looked to his arm to see that all but one of his Sharingan was closed. He sees Cyclonis staggering.

Danzo: (This is my best chance! I must not wasted my opportunity!)

Danzo then reached for his Crystal Blade and charged at Cyclonis. Cyclonis readied her Crystal Staff and charged at Danzo. The two strike each other simultaneously. Danzo laughed.

Danzo: You are in need of a lecture, girl. Did you really think you could see right through my Izanagi?

But as Danzo said that, he felt the wound of her staff. Shocked, he looked to his arm.

Danzo: What?! Why won't the Izanagi activate?!

As Danzo looked to his arm, he sees the one Sharingan left in his arm. But he finds out that it was an illusion as it had been closed.

Danzo: An....illusion?! Why you insolent girl! 

Master Cyclonis: It was all too easy! It was only a matter of making sure you wouldn't catch on to the illusion. Once it was confirmed, victory was mine! This is battling with your eyes!

Danzo began to hack blood as Cyclonis yanked the staff out of his side.

Danzo: Damn you.....(I have no choice.....)

Danzo then removed the bandage covering his right eye, revealing a Mangekyo Sharingan. 

Master Cyclonis: Not even a Mangekyo Sharingan can save you!

Danzo knowing he can't win tries to run away. As he slowly staggers away, Cyclonis slowly paces towards him. Despite the wound, adrenaline fuels her. Eventually, Cyclonis stops Danzo.

Master Cyclonis: Now you die!

Danzo then realizes that he's lost. Knowing he will die, Danzo decides to enact a desperate measure to destroy Cyclonis.


Danzo then ripped his cloak, revealing four symbols on his chest. A sphere soon formed around Danzo.

Master Cyclonis: (A Reverse Tetragram Sealing Technique?!) 

Cyclonis was able to escape as Danzo's last card was activated. Danzo's final thoughts were that of hope that in death, he would end the threat of the Cyclonians. But he failed. As he died, Cyclonis returned to the site where she saw his dead body. Despite her blurry vision, she knew it was him.

Master Cyclonis: All that effort.....all those bold words......all for nothing. Goodbye Danzo.

With her mission completed, Cyclonis called off the invasion of Terra Klockstoppia and the Summit. She left the Terra, wounded and satisfied. 

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