Chapter Two - Power Of The Sharingan

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Years have passed since Cyclonis has awakened her Mangekyo Sharingan. Master Anarchis has died as Cyclonis ascended to the throne of Cyclonia. No one in Atmos knows the true power of the Sharingan. It is a closely guarded secret since the fall of the ancient Uchiha Clan. Not even Cyclonis's top lieutenants know of her eyes. Meanwhile, Cyclonis gathers her top lieutenants in the throne room.

Dark Ace: Master Cyclonis.

Master Cyclonis: Dark Ace, Ravess, Snipe and Repton. As many of you may know, the Storm Hawks have been a thorn in our side. And you all have.....

Snipe: We'll crush them Master Cyclonis! I'll bring you there heads!

After Snipe's outburst, the room was silent. Cyclonis was displeased at this. She knew full well of Snipe's failures to kill the Storm Hawks. And the fact the he made his outburst did not help matters. 

Master Cyclonis: Interrupt me again, and my power will be the last pain you experience!

After that display of authority, the rest of the Cyclonian lieutenants quickly fall in line. Master Cyclonis then continues her speech.

Master Cyclonis: As I was saying, you all have failed to destroy the Storm Hawks. 

Ravess: And what would you have us do Master Cyclonis? 

Master Cyclonis: There are more to these Sky Knights then we would believe. Young as they are, they still pose a significant threat. 

Dark Ace: We are at your command, Master Cyclonis.

Master Cyclonis: But rest assured, the Storm Hawks and any other Sky Knights will not get in the way of my destiny! Atmos belongs to the Cyclonian Empire! Now go. 

Dark Ace along with the rest of the Cyclonian Lieutenants left the throne room, leaving Cyclonis alone. She walks over to her vast crystal collection and sees a crystal that could disguise herself. She takes the opportunity to take on the persona of Lark. She then travels alone to Terra Atmosia and walks among the crowd. As she does so, she bumps into Piper.

Piper: Oh! Sorry! I should've watched where I was going!

Lark: It's no trouble. 

Lark then notices Piper with a box full of crystals. She also notices the insignia of the Storm Hawks. Realizing that she was one of them, Lark begins speaking with her.

Lark: Say....aren't you a Sky Knight?

Piper: Well not officially. 

Lark: You must be one of the Storm Hawks! I can't believe that I'm actually talking to one of you!

Piper was surprised at Lark's enthusiasm. She had never met someone who was a fan of the Storm Hawks. Most people would dismiss them because of their age. 

Piper: My name's Piper! What's your name?

Lark: Lark! Nice to meet you Piper!

As she said that, her eyes turned from blue to red. Even with the disguise crystal, her Sharingan could not be hidden. Piper quickly notices the change in eye color.

Piper: Lark? What's up with your eyes?

When Piper blinks, she no longer sees the crowded marketplace of Terra Atmosia, but an empty field with a blood red sky and a blood red moon. 

Piper: Hello?! Lark?!

Voice: No one can hear you Piper. You are in my world now!

Piper looks around to see Master Cyclonis levitating above her as if she was some kind of deity. 

Piper: Cyclonis?! What kind of crystal technology is this?!

Master Cyclonis: No crystals. Just the power of my Sharingan! As I said, you're in my world and there's nothing you or anyone can do about it!

Piper then attempts to attack Cyclonis, but as she does so, her body transforms into a murder of crows. Seeing this shocked Piper. As she looks around, Cyclonis suddenly appears behind her.

Master Cyclonis: In the Nightmare Realm, time and space are under my complete control! I could inflict 72 hours of pain on you and only a second will have passed in the real world! But I'm not here to kill you.....not yet anyway.

Piper: What do you want?! 

Master Cyclonis: I've heard a lot about you Piper. About your crystal mastery. They seem to rival my own. Even to rival my Sharingan. Join me.

Hearing that shocked Piper. The fact that the leader of the Cyclonian Empire was asking her to join her seemed impossible to conceive. 

Master Cyclonis: Imagine if the two of us working together! With our combined crystal mastery and the power of my Sharingan, no one would be able to stop us! The world would be ours! 

Piper: You've got to be kidding! I would never join you! 

Cyclonis was disappointed yet impressed with Piper's will. Most would grovel before the Master of Cyclonia even without using her Sharingan. And here Piper was at Cyclonis's mercy in Tsukuyomi and yet she resists. 

Master Cyclonis: Impressive Piper. Most impressive. I think we're done here.

Piper: I'm taking you in Cyclonis!

Master Cyclonis: I wouldn't do that if I were you. Don't you remember that we're in a crowded place? Before you could stop me, I could kill twenty people, thirty, maybe even more before you or the Storm Hawks could even stop me! 

Piper found herself in an unwinnable situation. She could try and defeat Master Cyclonis, but she had no way of making sure the people in the marketplace would be safe. 

Master Cyclonis: Now I'm going to release you from the Tsukuyomi. After that, I'm going to walk away. 

When Piper blinks, she finds herself back at the marketplace with Lark in front of her. Despite seeing Lark, Piper knew full well of who she truly was. Her Sharingan eyes reverted back to her disguised blue eyes.

Lark: It was nice meeting you Piper, but I really must be going now! Bye!

As Lark leaves, Piper remained silent as she made her way back to the Condor to let the other Storm Hawks know what had transpired. Once she leaves Terra Atmosia, Cyclonis loses her disguise as she smiles about her display of power. Master Cyclonis then returns to Terra Cyclonia having showed Piper the power of the Sharingan.

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