Chapter Ten - The Eye Of The Moon

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After her titanic duel with the Sky Knight coalition, Master Cyclonis made her way to the room where the device was being held. When she enters, Cyclonis approaches the head scientist. 

Master Cyclonis: Is the machine ready?

Head Scientist: Yes Master Cyclonis. All it needs is your Sharingan. 

Master Cyclonis saw the throne which would draw energy from her to activate the machine. As she sat on the throne, Cyclonis activated her Sharingan and the machine begins drawing energy from her.

Master Cyclonis: So it begins.....

Meanwhile, the Storm Hawks lead the Sky Knight coalition through the palace as they engaged with the Cyclonian forces from within. In the carnage from the battle, Starling turns to the Storm Hawks. 

Starling: Aerrow! Take your squadron and stop Cyclonis! 

Piper: What about you?!

Starling: We'll hold them off! You have to stop Cyclonis! No matter what happens, we can't let Cyclonis win!

Knowing she was right, Aerrow took the Storm Hawks ahead and made an attempt to make their way to Cyclonis. 

Stork: If I'm being honest....we're doomed....

Aerrow: We can't think of that now! All that matters is that we stop Cyclonis! We can't let her activate the Infinite Tsukuyomi! 

As the Storm Hawks made their way to through the palace, they were ambushed by a group of Nightcrawlers. 

Nightcrawler: Kill....them.....

As the Storm Hawks readied for battle, Piper turned to Aerrow.

Piper: Go on ahead Aerrow! You have to stop Cyclonis!

Aerrow: Not happening Piper! I'm not leaving you behind!

Finn: Don't worry about us! We'll be right behind you! These guys will be no problem for us!

Junko: We'll be fine Aerrow!

Radarr chirped to Aerrow as he got on Piper's shoulder. Aerrow didn't want to go on ahead while his squadron stayed behind. But he knew the danger Cyclonis posed.

Aerrow: Guys.....don't die.....

The other Storm Hawks nodded in agreement as they kept the Nightcrawlers occupied, giving Aerrow time to escape. As he runs through the palace, he sees Dark Ace blocking his way armed with his Two Handed Crystal Sword. 

Aerrow: Dark Ace....

Dark Ace: Aerrow. So this is where it all ends.

Aerrow: Do you have any idea what Cyclonis is planning for Atmos?! If she succeeds, you die too! 

Dark Ace: For a perfect world, sacrifices must be made. If I must die for Cyclonis to succeed, then I will gladly pay that price. 

Aerrow: If that's how it's going to be, then I will do what I must. 

Dark Ace: You'll certainly try!

Aerrow pulled out his Twin Energy Blades as Dark Ace attacked the young Sky Knight. Both fought with blinding speed as the fate of Atmos rested on their fight. Dark Ace fought for it's destruction while Aerrow fought for it's salvation. 

Dark Ace: You were always naive to the ways of the world! If you saw the world as I have, then you should know that Cyclonis is the only way Atmos will ever be free!

Aerrow: Her idea of freedom is subjugation! Her peace isn't real! Real peace isn't won by conquest! Real peace is won by uniting together for a better world!

Dark Ace laughs at Aerrow's words.

Dark Ace: You truly are lost Aerrow! Your father once had those same thoughts! And look where that got him!

The two continued to fight an intense duel. Eventually, Dark Ace gains the upper hand and kicks him to the ground. 

Dark Ace: Is this the peace you fight for?! Is this all your ideals are worth! Ideals are nothing if you don't have the strength to fight!

As Dark Ace raised his sword to kill him, Aerrow rolled out of the way and dealt a fatal slash to Dark Ace. 

Aerrow: For're right!

Dark Ace collapses to the ground as he clutches his wound. As Aerrow looks down on the wounded Dark Ace, the Storm Hawks came in.

Aerrow: Guys! You made it!

Finn: Told you we'd be right behind you!

Piper then notices the dying Dark Ace.

Piper: Dark Ace.....

Dark Ace looks upon the Storm Hawks with a smile on his face. Despite being on the verge of death, Dark Ace still refused to give them any satisfaction. 

Dark Ace: Do you....really think this changes anything? Why fight? You're fighting a losing war....

Aerrow: You're wrong Dark Ace. We'll fight until we can't fight no more! We will stop Cyclonis and end her evil once and for all! 

As Aerrow made his vow known, Dark Ace laughs once more. 

Dark Ace: So pointless......absolutely......pointless.....

With a final breath of defiance, Dark Ace succumbed to his wounds. The most feared Cyclonian in Atmos and the most loyal servant of Master Cyclonis was dead. 

Aerrow: Let's go....

As Aerrow led the Storm Hawks through the palace, the ground of the palace began to shake. The roof on top of them collapse, but they rolled out of the way. They were all horrified to see what had happened.

Aerrow: No.....

Piper: We're too late.....

A large beam of energy shot to the Moon and the Moon's appearance formed into the shape of a Sharingan eye. Across the battlefield, all of Atmos was trapped in an endless illusion. In the palace, the Storm Hawks began to succumb to it. Aerrow was barely able to fight it off.

Aerrow: Guys? Guys!

Aerrow checked on his teammates and saw that their eyes had the design of Cyclonis's Sharingan. He knew exactly what this meant.

Aerrow: I'm on my own......I have to stop Cyclonis!

Aerrow had no choice but to leave his teammates behind. All he could do was confront Cyclonis with the intention of ending her evil and reverse the effects of the Infinite Tsukuyomi. 

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